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The surprising findings are the result of a new joint publication entitled ‘Dopamine genes are linked to Extraversion and Neuroticism personality…
Tomorrow on 1 February 2018, AIAS will give a warm welcome to eight new fellows who will begin their fellowship at AIAS to delve into their research…
Takeuchi Tomonori has received the Young Investigator Award by the Novo Nordisk Foundation this week. Tomonori will also commence at AIAS this week…
With a successful number of 232 applications from researchers from all over the world, the first call of AIAS-COFUND Marie Skłodowska-Curie…
Søren Dinesen Østergaard, MD PhD, has been awarded a grant of DKK 2.6 mill from the Independent Research Fund Denmark to test a new method for…
The grant will support Asad Jan’s research to apply genome editing in a mouse model of Parkinson’s disease.
Doug Speed has been awarded DKK 5.6 million by the Independent Research Fund Denmark (DFF) to develop novel statistical methods for analysing genetic…
Our cells move energy and matter to the places it is needed. But how do they do this in real time, and seen from the perspective of a single molecule?…
As one of the most promising biomedical science researchers, Geneticist and AIAS Fellow Rasmus O. Bak receives a prestigious grant of DKK 10 million…
Last week to register to the international and multidisciplinary AIAS conference on 'FEAR: Brain, Behaviour, Society' held at AIAS on 4-5 December…
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