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Research Activities of 2025


Ester Salgarella is producer of the podcast series Aegean Connections, Episode 10, with Emily Hauser (University of Exeter) - 'Voices from the Homeric past: MYTHICA,' 18 March 2025. Listen to the episode here.

Christian Appendini is co-author of the aricle 'Enhancing Lagrangian particle tracking using objective Eulerian coherent structures' in: Marine Pollution Bulletin, 13 March 2025. Read an abstract here.

Peter Dalsgaard gave an interview for the CO-PI podcast series Innovatører to talk about his research and discuss how technology both supports and challenges creativity for the episode 'AI og kreativitet – hvem styrer hvem?' [AI and Creativity – who controls who?]. Listen to the podcast here (in Danish only)

Jens Seeberg and Andreas Roepstorff are co-authors of the article 'Biosocial Vulnerabilities Amidst the Pandemic: Instrumentalizing Social Life for Biological Control in Denmark's COVID-19 Response' in: Social Science & Medicine, 3 March 2025. Read an abstract here.

Brad Wray was appointed to the editorial board of the Springer/Nature journal Metascience, March 2025. See the board here.

Brad Wray is author of the article 'Is the Lack of Inter-referee Reliability a Threat to the Effectiveness of Peer Review in Science?' in: Perspectives on Science, MIT Press, 28 February 2025. Read an abstract here.

Magda R. Hamczyk gave an oral presentation 'Mechanisms of adventitial thickening in Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome' at the DCAcademy Winter Meeting, DFDS Oslo Ferry & Norefjell, Norway, 25 February–1 March 2025.

Ester Salgarella is producer of the podcast series Aegean Connections, Episode 9, with Matthew Scarborough (University of Copenhagen) - 'Greek & Pre-Greek: in search of loanwords (nearly) lost to time,' 7 February 2025. Listen to the episode here

Bruna Neves de Freitas is co-author of the article 'Pano-GAN: A Deep Generative Model for Panoramic Dental Radiographs' in: Journal of Imaging, 2 February 2025. Read the article here.

Bruna Neves de Freitas is awarded a grant of DKK 100.000, DIGIT, Centre for Digitalisation, Big Data and Data Analytics. February 2025.

Bharti Arora is author of the article 'Decolonial praxis/es of solidarity in Indian literary and cultural discourses on social movements' in: Contemporary South Asia, 27 January 2025. Read the article here

Anna Mathia Klawonn is co-author of the article 'Nicotinic α7 receptors on cholinergic neurons in the striatum mediate cocaine-reinforcement, but not food reward' in: Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience, 21 January 2025. Read the article here.

Anna Langmüller is first-author of the article 'Catching a wave: On the suitability of traveling-wave solutions in epidemiological modeling' in: Theoretical Population Biology, 18 January 2025. Read the article here

Ester Salgarella is co-author of the article ‘Signs of the time? Testing the chronological significance of Linear A and B palaeography’ in: KO-RO-NA-WE-SA. Proceedings of the 15th International Colloquium on Mycenaean Studies (September 2021) (Crete University Press), January 2025. Read the article here

Magda R. Hamczyk gave a presentation at the AtheroNET COST network, 13 January 2025.

Ester Salgarella is producer of the podcast series Aegean Connections, Episode 8, with Prof Marie Louise Nosch (University of Copenhagen) - 'Texts to Textiles: reconstructing Mycenaean textile production through Linear B,' 13 January 2025. Listen to the episode here

Masoumeh Rad Goudarzi is author of the article 'Advancing Women's Social and Political Rights Through a Reinterpretation of Islamic Law: Ayatollah Jannaati's View of Female Political Authority in Shiite Islam' in: Digest of Middle East Studies (DOMES), 12 January 2025. Read the article here.

Elimira Muratova is author of the article 'Memory of Forced Displacements in the Discourse and Coping Strategies of Crimean Tatars in Post-2014 Crimea' in: Nationalities Papers (Cambrisge Core), 10 January 2025. Read the article here.

Yanxia Zhang is co-author of the article 'Temporal and spatial variations of urinary phthalate metabolites for adults in China' in: Environmental Research 268, January 2025. Read the article here.

Bruna Neves de Fraitas is co-author of the article 'Accuracy of occlusal splints printed in different orientations by liquid crystal display technology: an in vitro study' in: Jounal of Dentistry. January 2025. Read the article here.