Aarhus University Seal

Science & the Flavour of Aarhus is an event series that brings cutting-edge SCIENCE and locally-produced FLAVOURS of Aarhus to a public audience.

With the Science & the Flavour of Aarhus talksAIAS wishes to open the space for dialogue with state-of-the-art researchers on critically important topics in a tantalising setting.

  • SCIENCE in the broadest sense - it can be any scientific area on the agenda.
  • FLAVOUR in the broadest sense - it can be drinks, food, art, music, photography.

Each event is organised in collaboration with external partners that match according to the topic of the talk. The event series was initiated in 2024 in collaboration with The Danish Research Institute of Translational Neuroscience (DANDRITE).


Lena Bering, Communications 

Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies
Høegh-Guldbergs Gade 6B
Buildings 1630-1632
8000 Aarhus C

E-mail: lber@aias.au.dk