Aarhus University Seal


DNRF Photo Competition

Explore the winners of the DNRF/DG Photo Competition 2024. 13 scientific images were on display at AIAS, accompanied by short 3-minute talks by winner Christian Vium, Giulio Giagnoni & Alena Salašová from Aarhus University.

Arctic Faces - Arctic Places

For the AIAS 10-Year Anniversary Celebration in 2023, a multisensory research-based exhibition curated by AIAS Fellow Jeffrey Kerby on "Arctic Places - Arctic Faces" showcased captivating photos of three research locations of the Arctic: Greenland, Canada and Siberia, and offered participants a Virtual Reality (VR) tour to Northeast Greenland.

Aarhus University Campus Exhibition

For the AIAS Summer Gathering in 2024, Associate Fellow Felix Riede (Department of Archeology and Heritage Studies, Aarhus University) and historian Ning de Coninck-Smith (Danish School of Education, Aarhus University) have prepared an interdisciplinary exhibition ‘Uncovering the Layers of the University Campus.’