Aarhus University Seal

Collaborative Theme
Groups 3-2-1-Go!

The 'Collaborative Theme Group 3-2-1-Go!' is an initiative by AIAS and the Interdisciplinary task-force at Aarhus University, aiming at:

  • bringing researchers together from across faculties, departments and centers at Aarhus University
  • fostering novel ideas and research collaborations

Currently, four '3-2-1-Go! Groups' are hosted at AIAS for a two-year period, from August 2024 to August 2026. Know more about each of the 3-2-1-Go! groups and their projects through the webpages below:

3-2-1-GO! CALL

The 3-2-1-Go! AIAS intitative invites researchers at Aarhus University to participate in the creation of collaborative groups that bring together researchers from at least three departments, spanning at least two faculties, united by one overarching theme.



Lotte Holm, Head of Secretariat, deputy director
E-mail: lho@aias.au.dk 
Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies
Høegh-Guldbergs Gade 6B
Buildings 1630-1632
8000 Aarhus C