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Exchanges at AIAS

AIAS supports and actively helps build a thriving and trusting community where interdisciplinary exchanges and ideas, methods and creative practices among the fellows can flourish.

The diversity of research fields at AIAS reflects the diversity of practises and methods applied to capture and foster interdisciplinarity. These pages gather some of the activities that foster the interdisciplinary conversations at AIAS, and display how fellows use their different fields as a lens for interdisciplinarity.

Interdisciplinarity through catalysis and pulmonary physiology

Mie Andersen, AIAS Fellow and a physical chemist, studies catalysis at the interface between physics and chemistry. In her formula to your right, she explores interdisciplinarity at AIAS through a mathematical formula of catalysis in asking the question: AIAS - a catalyst for interdisciplinary work and excellent research? 

Donna Briggs Bødtkjer, AIAS Associate fellow and a physiologist, studies the human lymphatic vessels. The second model shows how she works with interdisciplinarity and how it has opened up for novel perspectives for her. Donna's model to capture interdisciplinary research compares the pulmonary function of the lungs to the stages and phases of interdsciplinary research.

Her model seeks to make the invisible visible, and highlights the importance of creative tension that is crucial for the onset of novel ideas and for venturing into interdisciplinarity. Her model is still in the making.