Aarhus University Seal


A fellowship stay at AIAS provides fellows with a large international network outside their own academic disciplines, leads to new projects and research directions, career grants and career advancement for fellows.

Fellows obtain invaluable skills such as:

  • An interdisciplinary and international research network and mindset
  • Novel ways of thinking and openess to research fields outside their own field
  • Advancing their career in their development from researcher to research group leader

Interdisciplinary environment at AIAS, Interdisciplinary ERC project in Aarhus

"AIAS provided the two qualities that all academics value the most: freedom to pursue new and speculative research lines and a thriving interdisciplinary environment with a capital "I" where researchers from across the scientific spectrum can interact and learn from each other. There is no doubt that this was the foundation of the idea and the fuel that enabled me to pursue it.”

Iza Romanowska, 2020-2023 AIAS Fellow won an ERC Starting Grant while at AIAS, now her ERC 'The MODEL City' project is based at Aarhus University: