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The Scholars at Risk from Ukrainian Universities (SARU) programme have awarded 11 Ukrainian scholars a fellowship at Aarhus University. Six of the…
The AIAS 3-2-1-Go! initiative brings researchers together from across faculties to explore a shared research theme. Now the Anatomical Theater group…
With an ERC grant AIAS Fellow Magdalena Małecka will investigate how the use of computer technology in modern economics has transformed economic…
Behavioral economist, AIAS-AUFF Fellow Haftom Bayray contributes to new research on African smallholder farmers showing that economic and social…
In her new book Appropriate, Negotiate, Challenge, AIAS-AUFF Fellow Elisabetta Ferrari investigates the relationship between activism and digital…
A new study of endothelia cells published in the journal Aging Cell with contributions from AIAS fellow Magda R. Hamczyk sheds light on a…
AIAS fellow Ester Salgarella is out with a sixth episode in her podcast series Aegean Connections. This most recent episode explores the textile…
What if the key to fertility lies in genes we normally think of as junk? New research initiated by Peter Ebert Andersen while he was an AIAS-COFUND…
In the second ‘Science & Flavour of Aarhus’ talk world-renowned educational neuroscientist Mary Helen Immordino-Yang (University of Southern…
The Danish National Research Foundation has supported a new Center of Excellence, Plant-PATH, with DKK 60 million. Two former AIAS Fellows are on…
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Speaker: Carsten Levisen, AIAS Carlsberg Monograph Fellow & Department of Communication and Arts, Roskilde University, Denmark
The book salon is a format that brings together scholars from different disciplines around a literary text.
In this hybrid seminar, Dr Catie Gressier examines the complexities of the cycles of life and death on heritage breed farms, and the role of kinning…
Speaker: Masoumeh Rad Goudarzi, AIAS Fellow & Assistant Professor, University of Guilan, Iran
Organizer: Aarhus Space Centre, Aarhus University.
Networking event focusing on the societal impact of journalism and research for fellows from Constructive Institute and AIAS.
Speaker: Janet Frances Rafner, AIAS-SHAPE Fellow
In this interdisciplinary seminar we discuss technological, visual and dramaturgical strategies for investigating anatomy and disseminating anatomical…
For all AIAS Fellows and Associate Fellows.
Speaker: Chao Sun, AIAS-DANDRITE Fellow & Group leader, Danish Research Institute of Translational Neuroscience (DANDRITE) & Associate professor,…
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Using the interdisciplinary context of NetIAS, we would therefore like to cordially invite you to take part in a NetIAS debate at Aarhus Institute of…
The workshop will take place on 19–21 February 2025 at Aarhus University and is designed to gather international experts in complex geometry for a…