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From 1 September, 16 new fellows start at AIAS through 5 fellowship programmes. For the first time AIAS hosts both individual and theme-based group…
A recent study published in Nature Communications with contribution from AIAS Fellow Markus Rinschen shows crucial evidence for the functional…
New research published in Science with contribution by AIAS Fellow Jeff Kerby indicates that encouraging herbivore diversity in the tundra could…
Are we (smart)phoning it in on teen mental health? New study of Canadian youth finds clear associations between adolescent wellbeing, health…
At the Augmented World Expo (AWE) Jeff Kerby and his collaborative and diverse team ‘Qikiqtaruk: Arctic at Risk’ won a Best of Category: ‘Visualize’…
Cross-disciplinary exchanges and collaborations is the mutual interest of the large multidisciplinary and talented research community at AIAS, which…
Associate fellow Ermelinda Porpiglia is appointed as new DANWISE director. DANWISE is a non-profit organization that represents women from academia,…
This month AIAS celebrates its 10-Year Anniversary. A decade ago, the Institute opened its doors to host research fellows from around the globe, from…
To address pressing issues and foster dialogue and interaction between the current, former and associate fellows and Aarhus University researchers,…
Hear AIAS Fellow Bridget Vincent, runner-up of the 2023 Calibre Essay Prize, read her essay ‘Child Adjacent’ in the podcast series of the ABR,…
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