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Aarhus University’s Platform for Inequality Research (PIREAU) and Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies (AIAS) are pleased to announce five joint theme-based fellowships of a duration of ten months from September 2024 to June 2025.

AIAS-PIREAU Fellowship Theme: 'Labour market transformations and inequality'

Interdisciplinary research collaboration and innovative ideas are prerequisite for tackling joint societal challenges. Strengthening global cooperation among relevant research communities will have a significant impact on the mitigation of the negative consequences of the many dimensions of inequality on the rise in our societies.

The AIAS-PIREAU theme-based fellowships seek to enhance interdisciplinary and global collaboration by engaging an interdisciplinary and international group of excellent researchers in theme-based research projects within the scope of PIREAU.

Inequalities have been on the rise in the past decades. Fast-paced transformations of the labour markets – in the form of globalization, de-regulation, digitalization, etc. – are frequently highlighted as a root cause of augmented disparities in citizens’ socioeconomic standing and health status.

Against this background, the theme of this call is ‘Labour market transformations and inequality’. Projects may investigate inequality in economics, health, politics, or any other outcome of societal importance, but should have a focus on how today’s changing labour market affects, or is affected by, these inequities. Within this broad theme, all research questions and approaches are welcome.

A unique interdisciplinary platform at AIAS

The research fellows will be based at AIAS with office space and facilities for interaction, in small, medium, and large groups.

AIAS provides a unique interdisciplinary setting, which offers the researchers the opportunity to:

  • engage in interdisciplinary research,
  • broaden their research profile and
  • collaborate with an inspiring international and multidisciplinary community at AIAS, the interdisciplinary research environment of SHAPE and Aarhus University as a whole.

Applicants for a fellowship should bring intellectual curiosity and readiness to engage in discussions beyond their own disciplinary boundaries.

Who can apply

The call is open for researchers of any nationality and from all disciplines with research profiles within the thematic scope of the call. The target group of the programme is talented researchers at all career stages with minimum a PhD at the time of application.

AIAS and Aarhus University strive to create a multidisciplinary, inclusive academic environment and to be an inspiring workplace for all by fostering a culture in which each individual has opportunities to thrive, achieve, and develop. We view equality and diversity as assets, and we welcome all applicants.

Applicants apply individually, but the selected candidates are expected to also work together as a group during the course of the fellowship. Furthermore, relevant researchers from PIREAU will be affiliated with the selected group of fellows.

The fellowship includes

All fellows are offered:

  • a salary based on seniority (employment conditions and wages are regulated through the Danish collective union agreements),
  • relocation assistance
  • travel costs (up to a maximum of 2,000 euro).

Fellows will have office space at AIAS and can participate in academic training activities, conferences and workshops at AIAS. They will also be affiliated with relevant research environments at PIREAU and Aarhus University.

How to apply - the application process

Applications must be submitted online via: GrantOne by 1 February 2024 at 12.00 (noon) CET.

In the ‘Guide for Applicants,’ you can read more about the detailed application requirements, how to use the online application system and the selection process and the selection criteria. 

After the application deadline, applications will be subject to an eligibility screening. A review and selection panel, consisting of members from PIREAU and the AIAS management, will evaluate each eligible proposal and make the final selection. 

Timeline of the application process

  • Opening of call: November 2023.
  • Deadline for applications: 1 February 2024 at 12.00 (noon) CET.
  • Evaluation and selection period: February-April 2024.
  • Applicants will receive answers: April 2024.
  • Fellowships begin: 1 September 2024.

For more information about the process, guidelines or the application system, please contact Programme Manager Helle Villekold at helle@aias.au.dk.


The Platform for Inequality Research at Aarhus University (PIREAU) brings together a broad range of researchers from a variety of disciplines to conduct cutting-edge research on inequality.

The ambition of PIREAU is to facilitate true interdisciplinary research at the highest international level and thereby make a significant contribution to our understanding of inequality.

PIREAU is funded by Aarhus University and hosts more than 30 researchers from eight departments, including Clinical Medicine, Economics and Business Economics, Dentistry and Oral Health, Law, Political Science, Psychology, Public Health, and the Danish School of Education.

More: https://pireau.au.dk

About AIAS

As an 'Institute for Advanced Study,' AIAS brings researchers together across disciplines, seniority and nationality. AIAS offers fellowships for excellent researchers from all core academic disciplines to pursue cutting-edge research projects for the benefit of society and humankind in optimal research conditions.

The daily encounter with the diverse research disciplines at AIAS provides fellows with fresh and different insights and perspectives on their own research, leading to new and unexpected research questions and ideas.


  • Helle Villekold at helle@aias.au.dk or on +45 30588129 for further information.


  • 1 February 2024 at 12.00 (noon) CET.

My AIAS fellowship has enabled me to expand my research program in a variety of interesting new directions, through collaboration and dialogue with the rich interdisciplinary community of AIAS Fellows and Associates.

Micah G. Allen, AIAS-COFUND Fellow 2019-2022