Aarhus University Seal

Associate Fellowships

Yearly Call for Nominations to the AIAS Associate Fellowship Programme for Aarhus University Researchers

The AIAS Associate Fellowship Programme aims at strengthening the ties between Aarhus University and AIAS and to extend the interdisciplinary and international research community of Aarhus University.

Associate fellows are invited to participate in all academic activities as well as the weekly lunches and breakfasts. The main activity day is Monday where there is the weekly seminar followed by lunch. Associate fellows have the opportunity to engage in the AIAS community, explore interdisciplinary collaborations and to use the facilities at AIAS for meetings, workshops and conferences. AIAS offers support for associate fellows’ academic activities and events and encourages collaboration between AIAS fellows and Aarhus University researchers.

The fellowships run for a two-year period, and they are awarded with the expectation of an active participation in the AIAS community.

Each faculty is invited to nominate up to three researchers for an AIAS Associate Fellowship for the period of August 2025 to July 2027. From the faculty nominations a maximum of 12 fellows will be selected by the AIAS Board of Directors.

Eligibility criteria

The associate fellowship scheme is for both established and recently recruited researchers at Aarhus University. It is a requirement that the researcher is in a permanent (including tenure-track) position. However, the faculties may choose to nominate one postdoc or assistant professor out of the three nominations if there are special interdisciplinary considerations.

Application requirements

  • A short CV of the applicant (max. two pages).
  • An argumentation for the fellowships’ mutual benefit for the applicant, the department and AIAS, and for the international and interdisciplinary collaborative interest and ambition of the applicant (one page). Written by the applicant.
  • A short statement from the head of department regarding allocation of time for participating in the AIAS activities.

Nomination process

  • February 2025: Call is sent to the faculties (The Deans’ offices).
  • March – April 2025: The Deans’ offices organize the faculty process for nominations via the heads of departments.
  • May 7, 2025: Deadline for forwarding nominations to Lotte Holm (lho@aias.au.dk).
  • June 2025: The AIAS Board of Directors and the AIAS director will conduct the final selection of max 12 fellows, based on the nominations from all five faculties. In the selection, diversity in terms of gender, disciplines and the match with AIAS fellows will be taken into consideration.
  • June 2025: Announcement of the fellowships awarded.
  • August 2025: Beginning of the fellowship period.


Questions can be directed to Lotte Holm (lho@aias.au.dk).


Deadline: 7 May 2025.


  • Lotte Holm at lho@aias.au.dk, Head of Secretariat, AIAS Deputy Director.


AIAS Associate Fellows come from all five faculties at Aarhus University. See who they are here.