Aarhus University Seal

Network: Aarhus Complexity Massive

An ABM and Complexity Science interest group

Info about event


Wednesday 4 November 2020,  at 15:30 - 16:30


Virtually via Zoom

The "Aarhus Complexity Massive" is an ABM (Agent-based modelling) and Complexity Science interest group that meets every two weeks to discuss papers, their research work, and potential collaboration.

The interest group is initiated by AIAS Fellow Iza Romanowska and Arthur Hjorth from the Department of Management, Science at Home, Aarhus University.


To join the interest group, please send an email to either Iza iromanowska@aias.au.dk or Arthur arthur@phys.au.dk.


Meetings will be held at AIAS, the Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies, but due to corona, the meetings are currently moved to the virtual meeting ground of Zoom. 

Join URL: https://aarhusuniversity.zoom.us/j/4024649019 to attend virtually via Zoom.