Aarhus University Seal

Wednesday Seminars

TIME: Wednesdays, 12:45-13:30 
PLACE: AIAS, Building 1630, room 312

About the SHAPE/ PIREAU Wednesday Seminars

In the SHAPE/PIREAU Wednesday Seminars, the AIAS fellows associated with the two theme-based projects, SHAPE (Democracy and Digital Citizenship) and PIREAU (Inequality in Health), will present and discuss their research, and explore potential synergies between their interests, methods, and more. Questions of (in)equity, democracy, digitization, and health are central to the two projects, but in recognition of the many areas of expertise covered by our fellow colleagues at AIAS, we would like to extend the invitation to all fellows who reside in the building.  

We will do this as an informal seminar series (not quite a seminar). Presentations will be around 20 minutes, followed by common discussion that may continue over our AIAS light lunch. The intention is to present work-in-progress and preliminary insights that serve as outsets for common discussion. Prior to each seminar, we will circulate a text for those who are interested in acquiring background knowledge or learning more. The text can be authored by the presenter, or someone else. It can be a research article, a book chapter, a manuscript, a film, an image, a data set, or indeed anything that the presenter think might be useful and relevant. 

Schedule, spring 2024

Schedule, fall 2023


The Wednesday Seminars are open for participation for the AIAS fellows with an office at AIAS. 

For practical reasons, if you intend to join and would like to receive the circulated text, please write to Katrine Østerlund Rasmussen kara@aias.au.dk.