The development of research talent is highly prioritized at AIAS. Fellows are offered career developement opportunities and are provided with research support and time and space for advancing their research and grow as a researcher.
The optimal research conditions at AIAS not only allow fellows to advance their career, they also enhance deep-thinking and thinking outside-the-box for the benefit of developing novel and exploratory research projects and directions.
On this page you can see some of the research ideas and results that have awarded the fellows with prestigious career grants, enabling fellows to initiate their own research group or research laboratory.
These research groups will generate new knowledge and results that bring solutions for the benefit of society and humankind. Research span areas such as circular bioeconomy and waste treatment, developing novel genetic tools, and mapping urban evolution and resilience.
Initiated by former AIAS fellows, a network for young group leaders at Aarhus University has been established at AIAS to share experiences, best-practices and to extend network and collaboration across faculties.
ERC project title:
Drivers and Mechanisms of Long-term Urban Evolution and Resilience (THE MODEL CITY)
ERC project title:
Gulf Feminisms: Feminisms and Mobilisation of Law in Gulf Countries
ERC project title:
Music and Artificial Intelligence: Building Critical Interdisciplinary Studies
ERC project title:
Transcriptional Engineering of Hematopoietic Stem Cells using CRISPR
ERC project title:
Molecular Uptake Mechanisms controlling Plant Growth
ERC project title:
Modelling the Influence of Cannabinoids on the Embodied Mind
ERC project title:Project title:
REBOOT- resource efficient biochemical production and waste treatment
ERC project title:
Classical Influences and Irish Culture (CLIC)
ERC project title:
Develop tools that use genetic data to better classify complex human diseases
Villum project title:
Cellular Function at Respiratory Extremes
Villum project title:
Effective Testing in Complex Geometry
Villum project title:
Trees and Central Limit Theorems
Villum project title:
Descriptor-based modelling of the reactivity of interstellar dust grains
Sapere Aude project title:
The (re-)integration of the cerebellum
Sapere Aude project title:
Conformal geometry: metrics and cohomology
Sapere Aude project title:
Molecular mechanics of genetic conflicts