Aarhus University Seal

Research activities of 2023

Research activities of 2024


Brad Wray is co-author of the article 'Early host defense against virus infections' in: Cell Press, 24 December 2024. Read the article here.

Elisabetta Ferrari gave the presentation 'Technological Imaginaries and the Universal Ambitions of Silicon Valley' at the American Studies Colloquium Series, University of Warsaw, Poland, 12 December 2024.

Brad Wray gave the presentation 'Kuhn’s Way of Working: Insights from Kuhn’s Wittgensteinian Phase at the workshop Interpreting Kuhn’s Structure at the University of Cambridge, 5 December 2024.

Natalia Prieto Vidal gave an invited lecture on 'Betaine Lipids: The Underexplored Polar Lipids in Marine Algae' at the PHYLIFE network, Univerity of Southern Denmark, 3 December 2024.

Janes Frances Rafner is co-author of the article 'HI-TAM, a hybrid intelligence framework for training and adoption of generative design assistants' in: Frontiers in Computer Science, 29 November 2024. Read the article here.

Andreas Roepstorff gave a live interview for the Danish national broadcast DR1 programme Hjernekassen on the topic of interdisciplinary research for the episode 'Interdisciplinær forskning', 26 November 2024. Listen to the episode here (in Danish)

Ester Salgarella is producer of the podcast series Aegean Connections 'Episode 7 with Dr Miguel Valério (University of Barcelona) - From the Aegean to the Pacific: comparative perspectives on undeciphered scripts ,' 18 November 2024. Listen to the podcast here.

Andreas Roepstorff gave the the livestream talk 'Demokratisk AI! Fra æbler til Grundtvig' on the paradigm shift of AI and how artificial intelligence is influencing our democratic conversations organised by The Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters, 13 November 2024. Watch the talk here (in Danish)

Eszter Bartha is author of the article 'Making or faking capitalism? Socialist dreams and postsocialist experiences in East-Central Europe' in: Journal of Contemporary Central and Eastern Europe, 6 November 2024. Read the article here. 

Elisabetta Ferrari is author of the book: Appropriate, Negotiate, Challenge. Activist Imaginaries and the Politics of Digital Technologies. University of California Press, November 2024. More about the book here.

Elisabetta Ferrari gave two presentations on 'The offline strikes back: complicating the role of digital technologies in Covid-19 mutual aid activism' and 'Queer digital lives: Understanding datafication through creative collaborative approaches' at the Annual Conference of the Association of Internet Researchers (AoIR) in Sheffield (UK), 30 October 2024 - 2 November 2024.

Magda R. Hamczyk is co-author of the article 'Endothelial cell-specific progerin expression does not cause cardiovascular alterations and premature death' in: Aging Cell, 31 October 2024. Find an abstract of the article here.

Christian Appendini is co-author of the article 'An affordable operational oil spill monitoring system in action: A diachronic multiplatform analysis of recent incidents in the southern Gulf of Mexico' in: Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 18 October 2024. Read an abstract here.

Ester Salgarella is producer of the podcast series Aegean Connections 'Episode 6 (Sophia Vakirtzi) - Untangling the thread: a journey through Aegean textiles,' 14 October 2024. Listen to the podcast here.

Peter Dalsgaard gave the presentation 'How Are Measures of Usability and Creativity Support Correlated?' at the 35th European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics (ECCE 2024), Association for Computing Machinery, Paris, 8-11 October 2024.

Natalia Prieto Vidal gave a presentation 'Mapping the polar lipidome of Nordic seaweeds' at the 14th Nordic Seaweed Conferenc, Grenaa, Denmark, 8-9 October 2025.

Andrei Kalinichev is co-author of the article 'Digital color analysis and machine learning for ballpoint pen ink clustering and aging investigation' in: Forensic Science International, 5 October 2024. Read an abstract of the article here.

Niels Christian Hansen is dirst-author of the article 'Timbral cues underlie instrument-specific absolute pitch in expert oboists' in: PLOS ONE, 3 October 2024. Read an abstract here.

Ester Salgarella is co-author of the book chapter 'The Relationship between Cretan Hieroglyphic and the other Cretan Scripts' in: Cretan Hieroglyphic by Civitillo et al (eds). Cambridge University Press, 2024. More about the book here.

Pierre du Plessis is author of the book chapter 'Walking with Landscape Relations: Tracking and More-than-Human Sociality in the Kalahari Desert, Botswana' in: Walking as Embodied Research. Drift, Pause, Indirection by Ernsen et al (eds). Routledge, 2024. More about the book here.

Pierre du Plessis is author of the book chapter 'Beating Around the Bush: Digression as Wayfinding and Coming to Know the Kalahari Desert' in: Digressions and the Human Imagination by Nielsen (ed). Routledge, 2024. More about the book here.

Natalia Prieto Vidal is awarded a Villum Experiment grant of DKK 2 million from The Villum Foundation for her project 'Beta-LPS: Exploiting marine Betaine lipids to design the future LiPoSomes', 26 September 2024.

Andrei Kalinichev is awarded a Villum Experiment grant of DKK 2 million from The Villum Foundation for his project 'SpectISO: Spectroelectrochemical Integration for Advancing Ion-Selective Optodes', 26 September 2024.

Magda Hamczyk gave the talk 'Endothelial-to-mesenchymal transition in progeria-associated atherosclerosis' at the Krakow Conference on Endothelium, Jagiellonian University, Poland, 25–27 September 2024.

Jes Bak Sørensen gave an interview to Altinget Idræt for the article 'DGI og forskere hilser ny lov velkommen. Men den løser intet i sig selv, understreger de,' 19 September 2024. Access the article (in Danish) here.

Christian Appendini gave a poster presentation on 'Projected wave climate in the Gulf of Mexico based on synthetic tropical cyclones derived from CMIP6' at the 38th International Conference on Coastal Engineering, Rome, Italy, 8-14 September 2024.

Daniela Ana is co-author of the blog article 'Cultivating Trust: Labour Unions and Romanian Workers in the German Meat Industry' on: seeFField,12 September 2024. Read the blog article here.

Brad Wray gave the talk 'A Defense of Peer Review' at the East European Network for Philosophy of Science, Krakow, Poland, 9 September 2024.

Elmira Muratova is author of the book chapter 'Politics of the Memory of Deportation and Interethnic Relations in Post-2014 Crimea' in European Yearbook of Minority Issues Online, September 2024. Read an abstract here.

Magda Hamzyk is co-author of the article 'Endothelial-to-Mesenchymal Transition Contributes to Accelerated Atherosclerosis in Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria Syndrome' in: Circulation, 29 August 2024. Read the aricle here.

Lindsay Weinberg gave the talk 'Power BI and the Digitization of Danish Higher Education' at the European Association for the Study of Science and Technology and the Society for Social Studies of Science, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 18 July 2024.

Nicholas Haas presented ‘Prevalence and Predictors of Exclusionary Behavior Across the Six Inhabited Continents’ at the Foundations of Utility and Risk (FUR) Conference, 4 July 2024.

Jaap Timmer is the author of the book chapter ‘Asmat Horizons of the Past’ in: Simon Coleman, Anna-Karina Hermkens, and Matt Tomlinson (eds), Christian Temporalities: Living Between the Already Fulfilled and the Not Yet Completed, pp. 181-203. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 23 June 2024. Read the book chapter here.

Nicholas Haas attended the European Meeting on the Political Economy of South Asia (EMPESA) workshop, June 2024.

Nicholas Haas presented ‘Body Mass Index (BMI) Predicts Vote Share in the 2022 U.S. Congressional Elections’ at the 10th Annual Weight Stigma Conference, June 2024.

Maria Louw is the author of the article 'Staying Behind. Divine Presence, virtuous emplacement and sabr at the end of life among older Kyrgyz Muslims' in: Hau: Journal of Ethnographic Theory 14:1, June 2024. Read the article here.

Jes Bak Sørensen is co-author of the opinion article 'Postnummerlotteri eller klasselotteri?' in: Kommunal Sundhed, 18 June 2024. Read the article here. (In Danish only)

Natalia Prieto Vidal gave the talk 'Marine-inspired solutions for a sustainable and resilient food system' at The Research Centre for Experimental Marine Biology and Biotechnology "Plentziako itsas Estazioa" (PiE-UPV/EHU; Plentzia Marine Station), Spain, 18 June 2024.

Lene Aarøe organized the interdisciplinary workshop ‘Advances in Research on Public Opinion in Digitalized Democracies’ at AIAS, 18 June 2024.

Natalia Prieto Vidal gave the talk 'Minimizing Marine Food Waste: The Path to a more Sustainable Food System' at The Research Centre for Experimental Marine Biology and Biotechnology "Plentziako itsas Estazioa" (PiE-UPV/EHU; Plentzia Marine Station), Spain, 17 June 2024.

Lene Aarøe participated in the debates ‘Demokratisk AI! Transparens, Ansvarlighed og Ytringsfrihed’, AURORA, and ’Banana for scale. Klima i et hverdagsperspektiv’, CORC, CarbonForum at the Folkemødet 2024, Bornholm, 15 June 2024.

Yanxia Zhang is co-author of the article 'Centennial Records of Microplastics in Lake Cores in Huguangyan Maar Lake, China' in: Environmental Science & Technology, 12 June 2024. Read the article here.

Cecilie Eriksen gave the talk ‘What’s reality got to do with it? On empirically informed philosophy’ at the University of Humanistic Studies, Utrecht, The Netherlands, 12 June 2024.

Andrew James Latham is co-author of the article 'Is future bias just a manifestation of the temporal value asymmetry?' in: Philosophical Psychology, 11 June 2024. Read the article here.

Andrew James Latham is co-author of the article 'Metaphysical Explanation: An Empirical Investigation' in: Philosophies, 11 June 2024. Read the article here.

Natalia P. Vidal is first-author of the article 'Multifunctional phloroglucinol-loaded pea starch coating for refrigerated salmon' in: Food Packaging and Shelf Life, vol 43, June 2024. Read the article here.

Jes Bak Sørensen is the author of the article 'Vi bør lære af de mønsterbrydere, der dyrker motion trods deres baggrund' in: Idrætsmonitor.dk, 7 June 2024. Read the article here. (In Danish only)

Ciara Kierans organised the conference 'Remaking the Wetlands: the interdisciplinary ground of sustainability' at AIAS, 6-7 June 2024. 

Andrew James Latham is co-author of the article 'Temporal dynamism and the persisting stable self' in: Philosophical Quarterly, 4 June 2024. Read the article here.

Lindsay Weinberg gave the talk 'Under what circumstances (if any) should educators refuse to engage with AI tools? Is refusal even possible, and if it is, is it desirable?' at the Danish School of Education, Aarhus University, 4 June 2024. Read an abstract here.

Yanxia Zhang is co-author of the article 'Evidence of economic development revealed in centennial scale sedimentary records of organic pollutants in Huguangyan Marr Lake' in: Science of The Total Environment, 1 June 2024. Read the article here.

Jaap Timmer is co-author of the article 'Critical Response: Fear and Chameleon Politics in Papua, Indonesia' in: Pacific Affairs, vol 97 (3), 29 May 2024. Read an abstract here.

Ciara Kierans organised the workshop 'Nature Recovery Workshop' to foster creative methods approaches to environmentally focused research, at AIAS, 28 May 2024.

Andrew James Latham and Somogy Varga gave the talk ’Health, Disease, Dysfunction: Experimental Philosophy of Medicine' at the LOGOS Colloquium Series, University of Barcelona, 27 May 2024.

Magdalena Małecka gave the talk 'Why and how to trace moral, social, and political values in economic research?/ Workshop ‘Value and valuation practices emerging from economics, sociology, and management’ at the Freie Universität Berlin, Germany (online), May 2024.

Magdalena Małecka gave the keynote talk 'Philosophical perspectives on values in economics at the 4th International Conference for Doctoral Students, Faculty of History and Philosophy, Babeș-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca, Romania (online), May 2024.

Nicholas Haas is awarded a grant by Innovations for Poverty Action (IPA) and The Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab (J-PAL)’s Displaced Livelihoods Initiative (DLI) for the project, 'Stronger Together? The Effects of Inclusive Livelihoods Committees on Social Cohesion Between Host and Displaced Populations, and on the Targeting and Effectiveness of Livelihoods Programs', May 2024.

Nicholas Haas visited the Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies on a NordIAS Fellowship, May 2024.

Lene Aarøe gave the presentation 'Do The Facts Matter? The Impact of Statistical Evidence and Single Exemplars on Policy Opinions Among Citizens and Politicians in Digital Democracies' at the Human Behavior and Evolution Society yearly conference in Aarhus, 23 May 2024.

Elmira Muratova is the author of the article 'Crimean Tatars in the Digital Age: Religious Authorities and Online Media' in: Journal of Religion in Europe, 23 May 2024. Read the article here.

Ciara Kierans co-organised the symposium 'Microbial Futures: the biosocial lives of small things' at AIAS, 21-23 May 2024.

Maria Louw gave the talk ‘Writing with ghosts’ at the seminar Crafting Ethnography, Aarhus University, Denmark, 16 May 2024.

Niels Christian Hansen is co-author of the article ‘Globally, songs and instrumental melodies are slower and higher and use more stable pitches than speech: A Registered Report’ in: ScienceAdvances, 15 May 2024. Read the article here.

Chao Sun officially joins the Center For Proteins in Memory (PROMEMO) funded by the Danish National Research Foundation, 13 May 2024.

Andrew James Latham and Somogy Varga are the authors of the article 'Is Health the Absence of Disease?' in: Inquiry, 8 May 2024. Read an abstract here.

Andrew James Latham and Somogy Varga are the authors of the article 'What is Mental Health and Disorder? Philosophical Implications from Lay Judgments' in: Synthese, 7 May 2024. Read the article here.

Zakarias Sjöström Dyrefelt will be giving the talk 'On generalised Monge-Ampère equations' at Nordic Complex Analysis Meeting 2024 “Nordan”, Östanskär, Sweden, 4 May 2024.

Lene Aarøe gave the presentation 'Do The Facts Matter? The Impact of Statistical Evidence and Single Exemplars on Policy Opinions Among Citizens and Politicians in Digital Democracies' at the Communication Horizons Conference with the theme 'Navigating the Complexities of Information Integrity in a Digital Age', UC Davis, US, 3-5 May 2024. 

Andrew James Latham is co-author of the article 'The moving open future, temporal phenomenology, and temporal passage' in: Asian Journal of Philosophy, 1 May 2024. Read the article here.

Mie Andersen gave the talk 'Microkinetic Modelling of CO2 Hydrogenation to Methanol on Doped ZrO2(101)' at Frontiers of Multiscale Modeling in Materials, Energy & Catalysis X, Międzywodzie, Poland, April 2024.

Chao Sun gave a seminar on 'Synaptic Machinery for Molecular Homeostasis' at Hunan University, China, 29 April 2024.

Alexandra-Iulia Otiman gave the talk 'Locally conformally Kahler geometry' at the workshop Paraplui Angers, University of Angers, France, April 2024.

Cecilie Eriksen participated in the panel ‘Law and Justice in Health’ at Forskningens Døgn, Aarhus University, 24 April 2024.

Jes Bak Sørensen gave an interview to TV Midtvest on well-being and health of residents in public housing, 22 April 2024. Read the article here. (In Danish only)

Cecilie Eriksen gave the talk “How Techno-Moral Revolutions Happen A philosophical investigation of the use of decision-making and decision-support algorithmic systems in Danish Administration” at Science and Technology-center, Aarhus University, 19 April 2024.

Cecilie Eriksen co-organised and gave the introductory talk at the conference ‘The Data driven Welfare State: Revolution, Reform, or Status Quo?’ at AIAS, Aarhus University, 18 April 2024.

Lindsay Weinberg gave the talk 'AI and the Politics of Refusal' at Center for Language Generation and AI, Aarhus University, 18 April 2024. Read an abstract here.

Lene Aarøe gave an interview to the newspaper Kristelig Dagblad on the use of exemplars in political communication for the article 'Statsministeren fremhæver ham som et ”ideal for en folkeskolelærer”. Tidligere elever udfordrer glansbilledet', 18 April 2024. Read the article here. (In Danish only)

Zakarias Sjöström Dyrefelt gave the talk 'On wall-chamber decompositions for generalised Monge-Ampère equations' at Seminaires systemes dynamiques et geometrie, Angers, France, 16 April 2024. Read an abstract here.

Maria Louw took part in a seminar with the INTERGEN project group at the University College Copenhagen, Denmark, 9 April 2024

Chao Sun gave a seminar on 'Synaptic Machinery for Molecular Homeostasis' at the University of Hannover, Germany, 5 April 2024.

Lindsay Weinberg gave an interview about the social and ethical implications of AI on the Superheroes of Science podcast, 4 April 2024. Listen to the podcast here.

Rasmus O. Bak is the author of the article 'A simultaneous knockout knockin genome editing strategy in HSPCs potently inhibits CCR5- and CXCR4-tropic HIV-1 infection hematopoietic stem cells' in: Cell Stem Cell, 4 April 2024. Read the article here.

Jes Bak Sørensen is the author of the article 'Selektionen i børneidrætten skal være mere rummelig og demokratisk' in: Idrætsmonitor.dk, 3 April 2024. Read the article here. (In Danish only)

Chao Sun gave a seminar on 'Synaptic Machinery for Molecular Homeostasis' at Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine, Germany, 3 April 2024.

Andrew James Latham is co-author of the article 'Mental Time Travel in Animals: The “When” of Mental Time Travel' in: Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 1 April 2024. Read an abstract here.

Iben Have is the co-author of the book 'Hvor Tanken Sættes Fri', April 2024. Read the book here.

Iben Have is the author of the book 'Lydmedier', 3 April 2024. Read the book here.

Cecilie Eriksen was invited to the DIS-TRUST-research group to discuss trust and digitalization at Roskilde University, 2 April 2024.

Oleg Yarosh is the author of the book chapter 'Ukraine' in: Yearbook of Muslims in Europe, vol 15, 28 March 2024. Read an abstract here.

Magdalena Małecka is co-author of the article 'AI and discriminative decisions in recruitment: Challenging the core assumptions' in: Big Data & Society, vol 11(1), 30 March 2024. Read the article here.

Fulvio Reggiori is co-author of the article 'The GTPase activating protein Gyp7 regulates Rab7/Ypt7 activity on late endosomes' in: J Cell Biol. 27 March 2024. Read the article here.

Andrew James Latham is co-author of the article 'Episodic imagining, temporal experience, and beliefs about time' in: Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 26 March 2024. Read the article here.

Chao Sun is co-author of the article 'Observing a Protein in its Natural Habitat' in: Materials Today Physics, 25 March 2024. Read the article here.

Iben Have gave an interview to DR Lyd for the programme "Supertanker' which dealt with taking breaks, 25 March 2024 Listen to the interview in Danish here 

Chao Sun is the author of the article 'Single-Molecule-Resolution Approaches in Synaptic Biology' in: Journal of Physical Chemistry, 22 March 2024. Read the article here.

Maria Louw gave the talk ‘Passing On Intergenerational thriving and caring for life toward its end: Lessons from Kyrgyzstan’ at the EASA AGENET conference Kinning, Moving, and Growing in Later Life, Ca’ at the Foscari University of Venice, Italy, 14-15 March 2024.

Andrew James Latham is co-author of the article 'Exploring Arbitrariness Objections to Time Biases' in: Journal of the American Philosophical Association, 7 March 2024. Read the article here.

Andrew James Latham is co-author of the article 'Is present-bias a distinctive psychological kind?' in: Inquiry, 6 March 2024. Read the article here.

Andrew James Latham and Somogy Varga gave the talk 'Experimental Philosophy of Medicine' at the CSS Colloquium, Aarhus University, 6 March 2024. Read an abstract here.

Iben Have gave an interview to Information for the article 'Hvorfor taler vi om skærmtid, men ikke høretelefontid?', 1 March 2024 Read the article here.

Louise Fabian is the author of the article ‘The History of Museum Activism’ in: The Activist Museum, Museet, Køns Forlag, February 2024.

Luseadra McKerracher is co-author of the article 'Queering food security research: A critical analysis of 2SLGBTQ+ People's experiences of food insecurity in Toronto during the COVID-19 pandemic' in: Social Science & Medicine, 29 February 2024. Read an abstract here.

Laura Nissin is author of the book review of 'Space, movement, and visibility in Pompeian houses. Studies in Roman space and urbanism' by Michael A. Anderson, Abingdon: Routledge, 2023, in: Bryn Mawr Classical Review, February 2024. Read the review here.

Cecilie Eriksen gave the talk ‘Bias, Blind Spots, and Cherry-picking: Methodological Challenges in Contextual Ethics’ at the Philosophy Department, Åbo Akademi University, Turku, Finland, 26 February 2024.

Zakarias Sjöström Dyrefelt gave a talk 'On certain geometric PDE and destabilizing subvarieties' in the programme theme '[EMG] New equivariant methods in algebraic and differential geometry´ at the Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, University of Cambridge. UK, 22 February 2022.

Cecilie Eriksen gave a talk on ‘Something fine to aim for - philosophical reflections on existential meaning’ at the conference ‘Flourishing at the University and Beyond’, Aarhus University, 22 February 2024.

Lene Aarøe gave an interview to Radio4 for the programme 'Hoved og Halen' on how hate speech on social media impacts the democratic conversation, 22 February 2024. Listen to the interview in Danish here (at 1:04:45 in)

Maria Louw organized the conference Flourishing at the University and Beyond at AIAS, 22 February 2024.

Chao Sun gave a seminar on 'Synaptic Machinery for Molecular Homeostasis' at Max Planck Florida Institute of Neuroscience, USA, 20 February 2024.

Lene Aarøe gave the keynote talk 'Do the facts matter? The persuasive power of statistical evidence and single exemplars among citizens and elites' at the conference 'Democratic Governance in a Turbulent Age,' at the University of Vienna, 14-16 February 2024.

Fulvio Reggiori is co-author of the article 'Molecular Insights into Aggrephagy: Their Cellular Functions in the Context of Neurodegenerative Diseases' in: J Mol Biol, 14 February 2024. Read the article here.

Corina-Gabriela Ciobotaru is the author of the article 'On wonderful compactifications of SL(2,𝔽) for non-Archimedean local fields 𝔽' in: Communication in Algebra, 9 February 2024. Read the article here.

Christina Kkona is co-editor of the book 'Women of Horror and Speculative Fiction in Their Own Words', Bloomsbury Publishing, 8 February 2024. Read an abstract here.

Andrew James Latham is co-author of the article 'The implicit decision theory of non-philosophers' in: Synthese, 7 February 2024. Read the article here.

Cecilie Eriksen gave an interview about ’The meaningful life’ for ANTV, 5 February 2024.

Cecilie Eriksen gave the talk ‘Can Digital Technology Create a Moral Revolution?’ at Filosofisk Årsmøde, Roskilde University, 2 February 2024.

Louise Fabian is the co-author of he article 'The Activist Museum: Practice, theories and actors’ in: The Activist Museum, Museet, Køns Forlag, 1 February 2024.

Chao Sun teached super-resolution microscopy during the 2024 neuroimaging course at the Max Planck Florida Institute For Neuroscience, USA, 1 February 2024.

Cecilie Eriksen gave a lecture on ‘Wittgenstein’s philosophy of language’ at Folkeuniversitetet, Aarhus, 1 February 2024.

Nicholas Haas presented 'Evaluating the Effect of Inclusive Historical Narratives on Support for Undemocratic Measures: Evidence from India and the United States' at the AU Migration & Ethnicity Workshop, January 2024.

Fulvio Reggiori is co-author of the article 'Phagophore closure, autophagosome maturation and autophagosome fusion during macroautophagy in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae' in: FEBS Lett, January 2024. Read an abstract here.

Peter Fazekas is co-author of the article 'A construct-first approach to consciousness science' in: Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, vol 156, January 2024. Read the article here.

Corina-Gabriela Ciobotaru is co-author of the article 'Symmetry breaking for PGL(2) over non-archimedean local fields' in: IMS Lecture Note Series, 31 January 2024. Read an abstract here.

Cecilie Eriksen gave the talk 'Det meningsfulde liv' at Filosofisk salon - Mølholm, 31 January 2024.

Lene Aarøe gave an interview to the German science podcast 'SWR2-Wissen' on the so-called behavioral immune system and the formation of political attitudes, "Ekel -  Wenn die Abscheu Körper und Denken beherrscht", 26 January 2024. Listen to the podcast here. (In German only)

Zakarias Sjöström Dyrefelt is awarded a Villum Young Investigator grant of DKK 7 million to pioneer new ways to test solvability of geometric partial differential equations in practice, to improve our understanding of high dimensional complex geometric shapes, 23 January 2024.

Christian Damsgaard is awarded a Villum Young Investigator grant of DKK 7 million to identify the cellular defence mechanisms that allow the fish retinal cells to function in extreme conditions to push our understanding of the limits of cellular life, 23 January 2024.

Nicholas Haas is co-author of the article '@Who? Investigating Possible Errors in Studies Linking Survey and Twitter Data' in: Journal of Quantitative Description: Digital Media, 19 January 2024. Read an abstract here.

Lene Aarøe has joined the editorial board of the journal Political Communication, 2024. 

Andrew James Latham and Somogy Varga are co-authors of the article 'Health, Disease, and the Medicalization of Low Sexual Desire: A Vignette-Based Experimental Study' in: Ergo, 9 January 2024. Read an abstract here.

Jaap Timmer is the author of the article 'Moses in Melanesia: Political Theology and Corpus Mysticum in Anthropology' in: Journal of Anthropology, 9 January 2024 . Read the article here