Aarhus University Seal

Research activities of 2023

Research activities of 2023

Louise Fabian is the author of the article 'Det aktivistiske museums idéhistorie' in: Det aktivistiske Museum, Museet Køn, 2023.

Andrew James Latham and Somogy Varga are the authors of the book chaper 'Medicine, Pseudomedicine, and Folk Medicine' in: Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Medicine, Broadbent, A. (ed.) Oxford University Press. 2023.

Lindsay Weinberg was awarded the Elevating the Visibility of Research: Seed Funding for Academic Books and Monographs Award ($10,000), Office of Research, Purdue University, 2023. 

Ward Keeler is the author of the article 'Comparative Queer Southeast Asian Studies' in: Southeast Asian Studies 12 (3). 26 December 2023. Read an abstract here.

Nicholas Haas is awarded an AUFF NOVA grant of DKK 597,616 for the project ‘Political Ideology in the Global South (SOUTHERNIDEOL)’ from Aarhus University Research Foundation. Project period: 01 January 2024 – 31 October 2025. Awarded: December 2023.

Nicholas Haas is co-author of the article 'How Ideology Shapes Indian Politics' in: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and Hindustan Time, December 2023. Read the article here.

Nicholas Haas is the winner of the Time-sharing Experiments for the Social Sciences (TESS) Special Competition on Replications for the project, 'A Direct Replication and Extension of Willer et al. (2013) Overdoing Gender: A Test of the Masculine Overcompensation Thesis.', December 2023.

Jaap Timmer is the author of the book chapter 'Wounded by Grace: Becoming a Prophet in an Evangelical Revival in Solomon Islands' in: 'Chris Houston and Jean-Paul Baldachinno (eds), Self-Alteration: How People Change Themselves Across Cultures', 23 December 2023. Read the chapter here

Janet Rafner participated in Information's podcast 'Maskinstorm' about AI and creativity, 'Er en AI lige så kreativ som et menneske – eller stiller vi de helt forkerte spørgsmål?', 21 December 2023. Read the article and listen to the podcast here. (Only in Danish)

Sylvie Tesson is author of the 'Behind the Paper' blog post 'Aerosolization potential and activity in the limnic microalga Limnomonas gaiensis' in: Earth & Environment, Ecology & Evolution, and Microbiology, 16 December 2024. Read the article here.

Chao Sun received a project grant from the Novo Nordisk Foundation to study ubiquitin signaling at brain synapses, 15 December 2023.

Fulvio Reggiori is co-author of the aticle 'Autophagy as an innate immunity response against pathogens: a Tango dance' in: Febs Letters, vol 598, Issue 1, 15 December 2023. Read the article here.

Nicholas Haas is co-author of the article 'My History or Our History? Historical Revisionism and Entitlement to Lead' in: American Political Science Review, 14 December 2023. Read the article here.

Mie Andersen is the author of the article 'Machine learning speeds up search for surface structure' in: Nature Computational Science, 14 December 2023. Read an abstract here.

Maria Louw organised the workshop Playful Care and Caring Playfulness at AIAS, 8 December 2023. Read about the workshop here.

Lene Aarøe is co-author of the article 'The journalistic preference for extreme exemplars: educational socialization, psychological biases, or editorial policy?' in: Journal of Communication, 8 December 2023. Read the article here.

Nicholas Haas is co-author of the article 'Despite misinformation, low trust, and conflict in Somalia, high demand for vaccines and a negative endorsement effect of non-state authorities' in: Scientific Reports, vol 13, 7 December 2023. Read the article here.

Maria Louw gave the talk ‘Spektral etik i Kirgisistan: Refleksioner over et monografi-projekt’ at the student conference Unge Østeuropa- og Ruslandseksperter: AU-KU Studenterkonference, 7 December 2023.

Sylvie Tesson is co-author of the article 'Factors contributing to the potential expansion of Limnomonas gaiensis (Chlamydomonadales, Chlorophyta) in freshwater lakes in Northern Europe' in: European Journal of Phycology, 7 December 2023. Read the article here.

Laura Nissin gave the talk 'Keeping the Home Fires Burning: Sensescapes of Pompeian Shrines' at The Nils Klim Symposium on Travel and Religion in the Ancient Mediterranean, Aarhus University, 1 December 2023.

Louise Fabian is the author of the article 'Museumsaktivisme: praksisser, aktører og teorier' in: Det aktivistiske Museum: praksisser, teorier og aktører, Museet Køn, November 2023. 

Louise Fabian is the author of the article 'Kritik som dyd: tænkning, historie og frihed hos Foucault' in: Hvad er kritik, Forlaget Mindspace, November 2023. 

Jes Bak Sørensen gave the poster presentation 'Geographical inequality in health: results from a population-based health survey', at the European Conference of Public Health, November 2023.

Magdalena Małecka was guest lecturer at the BA Seminar: 'Philosophy of science and ethics' at the Mathematics Department, Aarhus University (led by Professor Jessica Carter), November 2023.

Magdalena Małecka gave the talk 'Imaginary of behavioral governing' at the 4S Conference of the Society of the Social Studies of Science, Honolulu, US (online), November 2023.

Nicholas Haas presented 'Body Mass Index (BMI) Predicts Vote Share in the 2022 U.S. Congressional Elections' at the Danish Political Science Association Annual Conference, November 2023.

Andrew James Latham and Somogy Varga gave a public lecture on 'Health and Disease: Experimental Philosophy of Medicine' at The Royal Institute of Philosophy: Madness and Mental Health, London, England, 30 November 2023. Listen to the lecture here.

Lau Møller Andersen was awarded the Sapere Aude research group leader grant for his project entitled ‘The (re-)integration of the cerebellum’ on 30 November 2023.

Alexandra-Iulia Otiman was awarded the Sapere Aude research group leader grant for her project entitled ‘Conformal geometry: metrics and cohomology’ on 30 November 2023.

Lene Aarøe gave the conference presentations 'Do the facts matter? How Do Politicians and Citizens use Different Evidence to Update Their Policy Preferences' and 'How experts’ Gender and gender typicality shape their persuasivness, perceived traits and what people learn from them' at the annual meeting of the Danish Political Science Assocation, Nyborg, November 29 2023.

Cecilie Eriksen gave a talk on 'How Techno-Moral Revolutions Happen' and participated in the roundtable debate at the Moral Revolutions Workshop, Queen's University, Belfast, Northern Ireland, 29 November 2023. Read an abstract here. 

Laura Nissin gave the talk 'Wandering the streets of Pompeii – a Classicist approach to GIS-based methodologies' at Explore the World of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Seminar on GIS-day: A Day of Mapping Discoveries, Aarhus University, 28 November 2023. 

Jes Bak Sørensen is co-author of the report 'Sundhedstilstanden blandt beboere i almene boliger 2021', SDU, 27 November 2023. Read the report here. (in Danish only).

Laura Nissin gave the talk 'Merda Pompeiana - (Re)assessing the Olfactory Landscape of Pompeii' at Die übelriechende Metropole? Olfaktorische Perspektiven auf die Großstadt der Vormoderne Universität Regensburg, 24 November 2023. 

Janet Rafner is co-author of the article 'Creativity in the age of generative AI' in: Nature Human Behaviour, vol. 7, 20 November 2023. Read the article here.

Maria Louw is author of the article ‘Sharing being. Alterity and sharing as an existential question among Kyrgyz Christian converts’ in: Ethnoscripts 25: 1: 102-119, 17 November 2023. Read the article here.

Andrew James Latham is co-author of the article 'Locating Temporal Passage in a Block World' in: Ergo 10(9): 237-273, 17 November 2023. Read the article here.

Laura Nissin gave the talk 'Digging in the Dirt - (Re)assessing the olfactory landscape of Pompeii' at Reinheit und Unreinheit in den antiken Kulturen der Mittelmeerwelt, Technische Universität Braunschweig, 16 November 2023. 

Jaap Timmer is author of the book review of Gülbün Çoker O’Connor (2022), 'Moro and the Weather Coast: A Revitalization Movement in the Solomon Islands,' in Oceania 93 (3), 14 November 2023. Read the review here. 

Andrew James Latham gave comments on Tim Bayne’s 'Tests for Consciousness' at the Taiwan Philosophers of Mind Seminar Series, National Taiwan University, 13 November 2023.

Chao Sun gave a seminar on 'Synaptic Machinery for Molecular Homeostasis' at Georgetown University, USA, 10 November 2023.

Chao Sun gave a seminar on 'Synaptic Machinery for Molecular Homeostasis' at Weill Cornell Medical School, NY, USA, 9 November 2023.

Lindsay Weinberg gave the talk 'What Can the Smart City Teach Us About the Smart Campus?' at the CSS Colloquium, 8 November 2023. Read an abstract here.

Jes Bak Sørensen is author of the article 'Det var ikke min forventning, men elcyklen ser ud til at være en gevinst for folkesundheden' in: Idrætsmonitor, 7 November 2023.  Read the article here. (in Danish only)

Mie Andersen gave the talk 'Modeling and Design of Single-Atom Alloy Catalysts for CO2 hydrogenation reactions' at AIChE Annual Meeting, Orlando, Fl, USA, 7 November 2023.

Magdalena Małecka gave the keynote talk 'Revisiting normative theory of decision-making in economics/Workshop ‘How should we reason? Philosophical and psychological perspectives' at the The Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy, LMU, Munich, Germany, October 2023.

Magdalena Małecka gave the talk 'Integrating history of economic thought, STS, and philosophy of economics. The case of modern economics and the computer technology/ Workshop ‘Challenges of interdisciplinary research from the perspective of philosophy of science' at Tartu University, Tartu, Estonia, October 2023.

Nicholas Haas presented 'Body Mass Index (BMI) Predicts Vote Share in the 2022 U.S. Congressional Elections' at the Centre for the Experimental-Philosophical Study of Discrimination (CEPDISC) Annual Conference, October 2023.

Zakarias Sjöström Dyrefelt is co-author of the article 'The set of destabilizing curves for deformed Hermitian Yang-Mills and Z-critical equations on surfaces' in International Mathematics Research Notices, 31 October 2023. Read the article here.

Chao Sun gave the talk 'Imaging synaptic Machinery for Protein Homeostasis' at the Euro-BioImaging Virtual Pub, 27 October 2023.

Mie Andersen gave the talk 'Machine learning and atomistic modelling for CO2 hydrogenation catalysis' at Colloquium on computational catalysis, Chalmers University, Sweden / virtual, 27 October 2023.

Sophia Optaska is co-author of the article 'Business crisis management in wartime: Insights from Ukraine' in: Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management, 26 October 2023. Read the article here.

Lene Aarøe was an invited panelist at the panel 'Repræsentation og præsentation: Hvordan præsenteres forskere og deres forskning i medierne?' at the conference 'Neutralitet eller aktivisme? Journalister og forskere i dialog,' Aarhus University and DMJX, 26 October 2023.

Laura Nissin gave the talk 'Merda Pompeiana’ at the Merde Alors! An interdisciplinary conference on excrement, past, present and future, SOAS, University of London, 21 October 2023.

Sylvie Tesson is co-author of the article 'The pH tolerance range of the airborne species Tetracystis vinatzeri (Chlorophyceae, Chlamydomonadales)' in: European Journal of Phycology, 20 October 2023. Read the article here.

Sebastijan Ricko is co-author of the article 'Asymmetric [4 + 2], [6 + 2], and [6 + 4] Cycloadditions of Isomeric Formyl Cycloheptatrienes Catalyzed by a Chiral Diamine Catalyst' in: Journal of the American Chemical Society, 20 October 2023. Read the article here. 

Chao Sun gave a seminar on 'In situ Protein Copy Counting at Brain Synapses' at Shanghai Jiaotong university, Shanghai, China, 20 October 2023.

Chao Sun gave a seminar on 'Synaptic Machinery for Molecular Homeostasis' at Institute of Neuroscience, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 20 October 2023.

Chao Sun gave a talk 'Synaptic Machinery for Molecular Homeostasis' at CSH Asia meeting, Suzhou, China, 19 October 2023.

Ciara Kierans is co-author of the article 'Failing kidneys: Hotspots, blind spots and biopolitics of indifference' in: Medical Anthropology Quarterly, 38 (1), 18 October 2023. Read the article here.

Chao Sun gave a seminar on 'Synaptic Machinery for Molecular Homeostasis' at Zhejiang University Hospital, Hangzhou, China, 17 October 2023.

Chao Sun gave a seminar on 'Synaptic Machinery for Protein Homeostasis' at Nanjing University, Nanjing, China, 16 October 2023.

Corina-Gabriela Ciobotaru is co-author of the article 'Chabauty limits of groups of involutions In SL(2,F) for local fields' in: Communications in Algebra, 12 October 2023. Read the article here.

Iben Have gave an interview to Djøfbladet about her book Ro (Calm) (a part of the series Tænkepauser – viden til hverdagen), 11 October 2023. Read the interview here (in Danish only). 

Jaap Timmer is author of the book review of Theodore Schwartz and Michael French Smith (2021), ‘LIKE FIRE: The Paliau Movement and Millenarianism in Melanesia,’ Acton, Australia: ANU Press. Pacific Affairs 96 (4), 2023. Read an abstract here. 

Jaap Timmer is author of the article 'Wounded by Grace: Becoming a Prophet in an Evangelical Revival in Solomon Islands' in: Chris Houston and Jean-Paul Baldachinno (eds), Self-Alteration: How People Change Themselves Across Cultures, pp. 56-70. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press.

Maria Louw is author of the book chapter ‘The art of interpreting visionary dreams’ in: The Central Asian World by Jeanne Feaux de la Croix et al (eds.). Routledge, 2023. Read an abstract here.

Lene Aarøe gave the talk 'Hjernen, medierne og vores politiske meningsdannelse' at Hearts and Minds vidensfestivalen, Folkeuniversitetet, 9 October 2023. Read an abstract here (in Danish only).

Iben Have gave a talk on her book Ro (Calm) at Folkeuniversitetet in Skagen, 2 October 2023.

Ward Keeler is the author of the book chapter 'Being a man vs Being a monk: Autonomy and Attachment in Burman Buddhist Masculinity' in: eds. Megan Bryson and Kevin Buckelew, Buddhist Masculinities. Columbia University Press. Pp. 183-205. September 2023. Read an abstract here.

Natalia Vidal is co-author of the article 'Fucose modifies short chain fatty acid and H2S formation through alterations of microbial cross-feeding activities' in: FEMS Microbiology Ecology, September 2023. Read an abstract here.

Cecilie Eriksen gave an interview on the meaning of work life to Danish Radio4 for the programme ‘Work, Bitch’ in: Kulturmagasinet [Culture Magazine], 29 September 2023. Listen to the interview here (23:56 minutes in) (in Danish only).

Barbara Berger is co-author of the article 'Optimal parameters for rapid (invisible) frequency tagging using MEG' in: NeuroImage, 29 September 2023. Read an abstract here.

Mie Andersen gave the talk 'Effective transformation of CO2 by using artificial intelligence' at the Natural Science Festival, 27 September 2023.

Maria Louw gave the talk 'Aging in the absence of the young: Specters of possibility at the margins of lives and worlds' at EASA’s (european associate of social anthropologists) AGENET webinar, 27 September 2023. Read an abstract here.

Cecilie Eriksen gave an interview on passion, meaning and work life for the newspaper Kristelig Dagblad, 15 September 2023. Read more here (Only in Danish).

Andrew James Latham and Somogy Varga gave the poster presentation 'Health and Disease: Experimental Philosophy of Medicine' at the 3rd European Experimental Philosophy Conference, Zürich, Switzerland, 14-16 September 2023.

Niels Christian Hansen is co-author of the article '“MusicLab Copenhagen”: The Gains and Challenges of Radically Interdisciplinary Concert Research' in: Music & Science, 14 September 2023. Read an abstract here.

Lene Aarøe gave the talk 'Biologi, psykologi og politik' for a class, 3.e, at Gammel Hellerup Gymnasium, 13 September 2023. 

Jes Bak Sørensen is co-author of the article ‘Forskere fremlægger nøgletal: Den geografiske ulighed i sundhed og idrætsdeltagelse er en udfordring’ in: Idrætsmonitor, 12 September 2023. Read the article here. (in Danish only)

Sebastijan Ričko is author of the article 'Enantioconvergent 6π Electrocyclization Enabled by Photoredox Racemization' in Journal of the American Chemical Society, 12 September 2023. Read the article here.

Laura Nissen gave the talk 'Sensing the Roman Kitchen' at the conference Experiencing smell and taste in the Greco-Roman world, Technische Universität Dresden, Germany, 9 September 2023.

Maria Louw gave a talk about her book project ‘Spectral Ethics: Rebuilding moral worlds in post-Soviet Kyrgyzstan’ at the seminar Rethinking Anthropology in the light of Muslim Worlds, the Swedish Institute, Istanbul, 7-8 September 2023.

Bridget Vincent is author of the article 'AI-narrated audiobooks are here – and they raise some serious ethical questions' in The Conversation, 7 September 2023. Read the article here.

Andrew James Latham is co-author of the article 'Moving Ego versus Moving Time: Investigating the Shared Source of Future-Bias and Near Bias' in: Synthese, 6 September 2023. Read the article here.

Lene Aarøe is author of the article 'Subjective socioeconomic status and income inequality are associated with self-reported morality across 67 countries' in: Nature Communications, 6 September 2023. Read the article here. 

Bridget Vincent gave the talk 'Ecological witness and the ethics of spectatorship in Lisa Gorton’s Mirabilia' at the conference on Transdisciplinary in the Environmental Humanities, Oslo School of Environmental Humanities, University of Oslo, Norway, 6-7 September 2023.

Iza Romanowska was awarded an ERC Starting Grant of EUR 1.5 million from the European Research Council (ERC) for her project entitled ‘Drivers and Mechanisms of Long-term Urban Evolution and Resilience (THE MODEL CITY),’ 5 September 2023.

Corina-Gabriela Ciobotaru gave a mini-course 'An Introduction to Bruhat-Tits buildings' at the conference on Coarse geometry and dynamics, ENS Lyon, France, 30 August 30 - 1 September 2023.

Magdalena Małecka is author of the article 'Imaginary of Behavioral Governing: From Nudges to Algorithms' in Public Culture, vol 35(3), 1 September 2023. Read the article here.

Magdalena Małecka was guest lecturer at the MA Seminar: 'Economics and its discontents' at the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Helsinki (led by Dr. Docent Emrah Aydinonat), August 2023.

Andrew James Latham is awarded the 'Discovery Early Career Research Award' by The Australian Research Council (ARC) for his project on developing an account of psychological impossibility by combining philosophical theorising with results from the cognitive and brain sciences, and experimental philosophy, 25 August 2023. 

Natalia Vidal is co-author of the article 'Preparation and characterization of self-standing biofilms from compatible pectin/starch blends: Effect of pectin structure' in:. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 251, 25 August 2023. Read the article here. 

Fulvio Reggiori is co-author of the aticle 'The yeast dynamin-like GTPase Vps1 mediates Atg9 transport to the phagophore assembly site in Saccharomyces cerevisiae' in: Autophagy Rep., 17 August 2023. Read the article here.

Markus Rinschen is author of the article ‘An integrated organoid omics map extends modelling potential of kidney disease’ in: Nature Communications, 14 August 2023. Read an abstract here.

Corina-Gabriela Ciobotaru is first-author of the article 'Polyhedral compactifications, I' in: Advances in Geometry, 11 August 2023. Read an abstract here.

Lau Møller Andersen is author of the book chapter 'Software and Resources for Experiments and Data Analysis' in: Language Electrified: Principles, Methods and Future Perspectives of Investigation, 2023Read an abstract here.

Jaap Timmer is author of the article 'Menciptakan Masa Lalu di Kalangan Orang Asmat, Papua Barat Daya' - Translated title of the contribution: 'Makings of the past among Asmat, Southwest Papua' in: Masyarakat Indonesia: Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Sosial Indonesia, 2023. Read an abstract here.

Sylvie Tesson is first-author of the article 'Aerosolization flux, bio-products, and dispersal capacities in the freshwater microalga Limnomonas gaiensis (Chlorophyceae)' in: Nature Communications - Biology, 3 August 2023. Read an abstract here.

Fulvio Reggiori is co-author of the article 'Mammalian ATG8 proteins maintain autophagosomal membrane integrity through ESCRTs' in: EMBO J, July 2023. Read an abstract here.

Mie Andersen is co-author of the article 'Descriptors for binding energies at clusters: The case of nanosilicates as models of interstellar dust grains' in: The Journal of Chemical Physics, 28 July 2023. Read the article here.

Corina-Gabriela Ciobotaru gave the talk 'Symmetry breaking for PGL_2 over a local fieldat the Workshop on Kac—Moody Geometry, at Kiel University, Germany, 24-28 July 2023.

Yanxia Zhang is co-author of the article 'Sediment core records and impact factors of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in Chinese lakes' in: Environmental Research, 22 July 2023. Read an abstract here.

Fulvio Reggiori is co-author of the aticle 'The Organization and Function of the Phagophore-ER Membrane Contact Sites' in: Contact, 12 July 2023. Read the article here.

Kei Hiruta is author of the article 'Fukuzawa, Liberalism, and the Imperial Temptation' in: Comparative Political Theory, 11 July 2023. Read an abstract here.

Alexandra-Iulia Otiman was awarded the Nicolae Dinculeanu prize for young researchers in mathematics under the age of 40, awarded every fourth years by the Romanian Academy, Bucharest, July 2023.

Corina-Gabriela Ciobotaru organized a reception on Women’s networking at NCM29 at the 29th Nordic Congress of Mathematicians, Aalborg, 3 July 2023.

Alexandra-Iulia Otiman gave a talk on 'Bott-Chern cohomology of compact Vaisman manifolds' at the Congress of Romanian Mathematicians, Pitesti, Romania, 30 June - 5 July 2023.

Katarzyna Jażdżewska gave a talk 'Translating Plutarch’s Lives in Enlightenment Poland' at the conference Translating Plutarch, Coventry University, United Kingdom, 30 June 2023.

Lisa M. Wu is co-author of the article 'Psychological and behavioral symptoms in patients with melanoma: A systematic review and meta-analysis' in: Psycho-Oncology, 27 June 2023. Read an abstract here.

Lisa M. Wu is co-author of the article 'Søvnens betydning for hukommelse, indlæring og andre kognitive funktioner' in: Udskrift For Læger, 26 June 2023. Read the article here. (Only in Danish)

Mie Andersen is author of the article 'Revelations of the d band' in: Nature Catalysis, 26 June 2023. Read an abstract here.

Jeffrey Kerby is co-author of the article 'Large herbivore diversity slows sea ice-associated decline in arctic tundra diversity' in: Science vol. 380. 22 June 2023. Read the article here.

Yanxia Zhang gave the talk 'Microplastic records in sediment cores in Huguangyan Maar Lake, China' at the 18th International Conference on Chemistry and the Environment, Venice, Italy, 11-15 June 2023.

Luseadra McKerracher is co-author of the article 'Resilience in adolescence during the COVID-19 crisis in Canada' in: BMC Public Health, 6 June 2023. Read an abstract here

Christina Kkona is author and editor of the book chapter 'Xenophilic Queerness in Virginia Woolf and Reinaldo Arenas' in: Migrating Minds: Theories and Practices of Cultural Cosmopolitanism, 2023. Read the chapter here.

Natalia Vidal is co-author of the book chapter 'Fish-derived functional foods and cardiovascular health: An overview of current developments and advancements' in: Functional Foods and Their Implications for Health Promotion. 2023. Read the chapter here. 

Katarzyna Jażdżewska gave a talk on the paper 'Encountering the Divine in Early Imperial Dialogues', at the conference Literary Genres in Greek Literature of the Imperial Period, University of the Peloponnese (online), 2 June 2023.

Natalia Vidal is co-author of the article 'Untargeted screening and in silico toxicity assessment of semi- and non-volatile compounds migrating from polysaccharide-based food contact materials' in: Food Chemistry. 1 June 2023. Read the article here.

Elmira Muratova gave the talk 'Islam, Repression, and Memory' at the webinar organized by the Center for Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies, University of Pittsburg, USA, 1 June 2023.

Jaap Timmer is author of the book review 'LIKE FIRE: The Paliau Movement and Millenarianism in Melanesia | By Theodore Schwartz and Michael French Smith' in: Public Affairs, May 2023. Read the review here.

Sylvie Tesson is author of the article 'Physiological responses to pH in the freshwater microalga Limnomonas gaiensis' in: Journal of Basic Microbiology, 25 May 2023. Read an abstract here.

Jihan Zakarriya gave a lecture titled 'Gender and Environmental Violence in Modern Arabic Literature' at EcoLit symposium, University of Oslo, 24 May 2023. 

Fulvio Reggiori is co-author of the article 'Heteromeric clusters of ubiquitinated ER-shaping proteins drive ER-phagy' in: Nature, 24 May 2023. Read the article here.

Markus Rinschen gave a keynote lecture titled 'The podocyte-ome - where do we stand in 2023?' at the 14th International Podocyte Conference, Philadelphia, 23 May 2023.

Andrew Newby is author of the book 'Finland’s Great Famine, 1856-68'. Palgrave Macmillan Cham, May 2023. Read an abstract here.

Jihan Zakarriya participated in a discussion panel regarding research environments at the conference Building Bridges for the Next Generation Conference, Dresden, Germany, 16-17 May 2023.

Fulvio Reggiori is co-author of the article 'The dynamin Vps1 mediates Atg9 transport to the sites of autophagosome formation' in: Journal of Biological Chemistry, 10 May 2023. Read the article here.

Corina-Gabriela Ciobotaru gave the talk 'The Geometry Of P-Adic Numbers' at the conference Women Mathematicians in Sciences 2023, University of Southern Denmark, 11-12 May 2023.

Mie Andersen gave the invited talk 'Accelerated kinetic Monte Carlo simulations with lateral interactions applied to higher oxygenate synthesis over Rh-based catalysts' at the workshop: KMC as a Tool for Understanding Catalytic Function. Berlin, Germany / virtual, 9 May 2023.

Elmira Muratova co-organized an expert workshop on the “War in Ukraine and its Impact on Ethno-Religious Minorities in the Region”, at the European Center for Minority Issues, Flensburg on 4-5 May 2023. More about the workshop here.

Bridget Vincent is runner-up for the 2023 Calibre Prize Award for her essay 'Child Adjacent,' by ABR, Australian Book Review magazine, May 2023. 

Barbara Berger gave the talk 'Functional connectivity patterns enabling working memory processes' at the Interacting Minds Center Seminar, Aarhus University, 2 May 2023.

Bridget Vincent gave the talk 'Moral Complicity in the Poetry of Derek Mahon' at the Centre for Irish Studies, Aarhus University, 2 May 2023.

Andrew James Latham is co-author of the article 'Alethic Openness and the Growing Block Theory of Time' in: Philosophical Quarterly. April 2023. Read the article here.

Barbara Berger is appointed a topic editor of the special journal topic 'Modulation of Neurostimulation Effects by Fluctuations of Ongoing Activity in the (Central) Nervous System' for Frontiers in Cognition, April 2023. More about the topic here.

Jihan Zakarriya gave the talk 'Internet as a Means of Revelation in the Saudi Novel Girls of Riyadh (2005) by Rajaa al-Sanea' at the international conference on English Literature and Linguistics, Saudi Arabia, 26-27 April 2023. 

Felicity Davis is co-author of the article 'Scientists with intersecting privilege must work towards institutional inclusion' in: Nature Cell Biology, 25 April 2023. Read an abstract here.

Corina-Gabriela Ciobotaru gave the talk ‘The Geometry of p-adic numbers’ at the conference Smart Diaspora 2023, at Timisoara, Romania, April 11 2023. Read the article here.

Markus Rinschen is co-author of the article 'Pathogenicity of Human Anti-PLA2R1 Antibodies in Minipigs: A Pilot Study' in: Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, March 2023. Read an abstract here.

Jeffrey Kerby is co-author of the article 'Quantifying the movement, behaviour and environmental context of group-living animals using drones and computer vision' in: Journal of Animal Ecology, 21 March 2023. Read an abstract here.

Mie Andersen gave the talk 'Modeling and design of single-atom alloy catalysts' at DPG Spring Meeting, Dresden, Germany. March 2023.

Fulvio Reggiori gave a talk at Institut de Biologie Physico-Chimique (IBPC), Sorbonne Université in Paris, France. 17 March 2023.

Lyudmyla Kolisnyk is author of the article 'Psychological Service for Ukrainian School Students during the Russian Invasion: Experience of School Psychologists from Kryvyi Rih' in: Lifescience Global, 2023. Read the article here.

Katarzyna Jażdżewska is author of the book chapter '62. End of a Lease Contract' in: Greek, Demotic and Coptic Papyri and Ostraca in the Leiden Papyrological Institute by F. A.J. Hoogendijk and J. Vera Stolk, 2023.

Kei Hiruta is author of the book chapter 'Hannah Arendt’ in: Reconsidering Political Thinkers, by Manjeet Ramgotra (et al), Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2023. Read an abstract here.

Shiru Lim has been awarded a Social Science Research Council (Singapore) Graduate Research Fellowship (2023-25) grant of SGD 9,000 (approx. 46,000 DKK) for her project 'Intellectual Capital: Cities, Publics, and the Urban Lives of Ideas.' Awarded: March 2023.

Jihan Zakarriya gave the talk 'Religious Violence and Female Military Activism' at the International Conference on Religious Violence and Radicalization in Dubia, United Arab Emirates, 22-24 March 2023.

Chao Sun is the author of the review article 'A multi-omics view of neuronal subcellular protein synthesis' in: Current Opinion in Neurobiology, 11 March 2023. Read the article here.

Niels Chr. Hansen gave talk 'The coronamusic phenomenon: psychological undercurrents in online musicking during pandemic lockdown' at Music in Global Epidemics in Baltimore, MD (virtual), 10 March 2023.

Jaap Timmer is co-author of the article 'The religious self-alteration of Shem Irofa’alu during the anti-colonial Maasina Rule in Solomon Islands (1944–1953)' in: Oceania, 10 March 2023. Read an abstract here.

Mie Andersen gave the talk 'Machine learning methods for heterogeneous catalysis' at Lennard-Jones Centre Discussion Group, University of Cambridge, UK / virtual. February 2023.

Yanxia Zhang is co-author of the article 'Phthalate pollution and migration in soil-air-vegetable systems in typical plastic agricultural greenhouses in northwestern China' in: Science of The Total Environment, 25 February 2023. Read an abstract here.

Rasmus O. Bak is co-author of the article 'CD5 expression by dendritic cells directs T cell immunity and sustains immunotherapy responses' in: Science, 17 February 2023. Read the article here. 

Fulvio Reggiori is co-author of the article: 'Digest it all: the lysosomal turnover of cytoplasmic aggregates' in: Trends in Biochemical Sciences, 16 February 2023. Read an abstract here.

Rasmus O. Bak is co-author of the article 'Enrichment of transgene integrations by transient CRISPR activation of a silent reporter gene' in: Molecular Therapy - Methods & Clinical Development, 16 February 2023. Read an abstract here.

Fulvio Reggiori gave a talk at Aarhus University Structural Biology and Biophysics Initiation (AUSBI) inaugural conference, Aarhus, Denmark. 10 February 2023.

Fredrik Christiansen is co-author of the article 'Effects of whale-watching activities on southern right whales in Encounter Bay, South Australia' in: Marine Policy, 7 February 2023. Read an abstract here.

Peter Fazekas is author of the article 'The Phenomenal Quality of Complex Experiences' in: Review of Philosophy and Psychology, 2 February 2023. Read an abstract here.

Mie Andersen gave the talk 'Modeling and design of single-atom alloy catalysts using graph-based machine learning' at Surface Science Discussions 2023, virtual seminar. January 2023.

Laura Nissin organized a panel discussion about "Poikkitieteellisyys antiikintutkimuksessa, mitä se on ja mitä se voisi olla" (in English: Cross-disciplinarity in Ancient Studies – what it is and what it could be) at the Finnish Conference on Ancient Studies, University of Helsinki, 27 January 2023. 

Philipp Reick is first-author of the article 'From hatred to hope: Emotions, memory and the German labour movement in the late-nineteenth century' in: Memory Studies, 26 January 2023. Read an abstract here.

Niels Chr. Hansen gave an interview to the Danish national broadcast DR P4 about a new research study on the effects of listening to music in daily life during the COVID-19 lockdown, 30 January 2023.

Niels Chr. Hansen gave an interview to the Danish radio station Radio 4 Aften about a new research study on the effects of listening to music in daily life during the COVID-19 lockdown, 25 January 2023.

Niels Chr. Hansen gave an interview to the Danish magazine Videnskab.dk about a new research study on the effects of listening to music in daily life during the COVID-19 lockdown for the article 'Glad musik kan have mindsket stress under nedlukningen', 25 January 2023. Read the article here. (in Danish only) 

Helen Van Noorden is author of the book chapter ‘Anti-Roman Sibyl(s)’ in: Articulating Resistance under the Roman Empire by Jolowicz, D. & Elsner, J, 23 January 2023. Read the chapter here.

Fulvio Reggiori is co-recipient of a DKK 20 million (EUR 2.7 million) Lundbeck Foundation Collaborative Project grant to study Parkinsson's disease with an aim to transform and improve treatment. Awarded on: 16 January 2023. Read more here.

Katarzyna Jażdżewska is author of the book review of Sviatoslav Dmitriev, The Orator Demades. Classical Greece Reimagined through Rhetoric in: H/ Soz/Kult. Kommunikation und Fachinformation für die Geschichtswissenschaften, 16 January 2023. Read an abstract here

Rasmus O. Bak is co-author of the article 'Development of HIV-Resistant CAR T Cells by CRISPR/Cas-Mediated CAR Integration into the CCR5 Locus' in: Viruses, 10 January 2023. Read an abstract here.

Laura Nissin gave the talk 'Sleeping in Herculaneum: Roman sleeping arrangements in the archaeological sources' at Annual Meeting of The Society for Classical Studies (SCS), New Orleans, USA, 8 January 2023.

Natalia Vidal is first-author of the article 'Quality and chemical stability of long-term stored soy, canola, and sunflower cold-pressed cake lipids before and after thermomechanical processing: A 1H NMR study' in: 4 January 2023. Read an abstract here.

Ward Keeler is author of the article 'Attaching shame to hierarchy and hierarchy to some versions of attachment' in: Ethos. Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology, 1 January 2023. Read an abstract here.