Nine new theme-based fellows appointed at AIAS
AIAS is pleased to announce the selection of nine new fellows to the theme-based fellowships in collaboration with the research centres at Aarhus University: 'PIREAU - Platform for Inequality Research at Aarhus University' and 'SHAPE - Research Center for Shaping Digital Citizenship.'

The nine new fellows will have their daily office at AIAS, where they will work on their own individual project within the theme-group they are appointed to, either 'Inequality in Health' and 'Democracy and Digital Citizenship.' Apart from working on their individual research project within the theme, the fellows will work together to address and explore the theme from interdisciplinary and collaborative perspectives.
Besides the anticipated thematic synergies of the two groups, the two thematic groups of researchers will become an active part of the AIAS community, benefitting from the interdisciplinary exchanges, the joint training activities and international environment of AIAS.
The fellowships will commence in September 2023, and their projects will run for ten months. SHAPE, PIREAU and AIAS are looking forward to welcoming the selected candidates:
AIAS-PIREAU Fellows (Theme: Inequality in Health)
- Andrew James Latham
Project title: Understanding our concepts of health and disease (UHD) - Somogy Varga
Project title: Health Inequality and Medical dehumanization - Ciara Kierans
Project title: Interlinking Filtrations: Rethinking disease etiology, inequality and care in uncertain ecosystems - Jes Bak Sørensen
Project title: Pathways to increased social equality in health
AIAS-SHAPE Fellows (Theme: Democracy and Digital Citizenship)
- Lindsay Weinberg
Project title: From Smart Campuses to Smart Cities: Democracy, Digital Citizenship, and Higher Education - Nicholas Semi Haas
Project title: Using AI to Test Effects of Inclusive Narratives on Notions of Citizenship and Support for Democracy - Janet Frances Rafner
Project title: Human-AI co-creativity to engage policy makers, general public and researchers in societal issues - Lene Aarøe
Project title: Social Media Exemplars and Democratic Citizenship - TBA
More about the AIAS-SHAPE and AIAS-PIREAU Fellowships
The theme-based fellowships are co-funded by Aarhus University Research Foundation in collaboration with 'PIREAU - Platform for Inequality Research at Aarhus University' and 'SHAPE - Research Center for Shaping Digital Citizenship.'
AIAS-SHAPE Fellowships within 'Democracy and Digital Citizenship'
AIAS-PIREAU Fellowships within 'Inequality in Health'
Lotte Holm, Head of Secretariat, vice-director, acting director
Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies, AIAS
Høegh-Guldbergs Gade 6B
DK-8000 Aarhus C