Welcome to seven new fellows
Seven fellows will start their AIAS-COFUND Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellowship on 1 February 2022. With this new group of fellows, the AIAS community is the largest so far, extending the number of in-house fellows from around the world to 43.
The seven new fellows are a part of a cohort of 14 AIAS-COFUND II Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellows who have been selected in the spring and summer of 2021. The first group have commenced in the autumn of 2021, and now the time has come for the last seven fellows to start. The new fellows come from a variety of academic areas such as mathematics, theology, literature and psychology, whereby they will contribute to the great academic diversity that is characteristic of AIAS, and an Institute of Advanced Studies.
During their AIAS fellowship, the new fellows will have time to develop their innovative research projects in collaboration and networking with Aarhus University faculty members and the research environments at the university.
Through the weekly AIAS Seminar Series, lunches and other interdisciplinary events and meetings at AIAS, fellows are exposed to a stimulating multidisciplinary community at AIAS, where they can discuss, collaborate with and get inspired by the current and former AIAS fellows and AIAS Associates to form new directions in their research.
Meet the new fellows seminar
On 10 February 2022 at 9.30-12.00am, you can meet the new fellows at the Introductory Research Presentations Seminar where they will give a short 6-minute presentation of their research project and the questions that it concerns. All are welcome to join this seminar.
Read about the new fellows and their projects here
- Alexandra-Iulia Otiman, Assistant Professor, Institute of Mathematics of the Romanian Academy, Romania and University of Florence, Italy
- Barbara Berger, Postdoc, School of Psychology, Centre for Human Brain Health, University of Birmingham, UK
- Bridget Vincent, Assistant Professor, English Literature, Australian National University, Australia
- Gordon McMullan, Professor, English Literature, King’s College London, UK
- Laura Nissin, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Theology, University of Helsinki, Finland
- Paul Christesen, Professor, Department of Classics, Dartmouth College, USA
- Zakarias Sjöström Dyrefelt, Assistant Professor, International Centre for Theoretical Physics Trieste, Italy
The AIAS-COFUND Fellowship scheme has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 754513 and The Aarhus University Research Foundation.
Søren Rud Keiding, AIAS Director, Professor keiding@aias.au.dk
Lena Bering, Communications Officer, lber@aias.au.dk
Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies, AIAS
Høegh-Guldbergs Gade 6B
DK-8000 Aarhus C