AIAS Seminar: Introduction Research Presentations
New fellows and AIAS Associates present their research in short 6-minute presentations.

Info about event
AIAS Auditorium
Meet the New: Introduction Research Presentations (IRP)
10 short 6-minute research presentations on topics from all academic main faculties.
The purpose of the biannual Introduction Research Presentations event is to maximise and support the AIAS Fellows' and AIAS Associates' academic integration and collaboration at AIAS and at Aarhus University. It is a chance for all the new fellows and Associates to present themselves, their field of work and their research question to each other, to the rest of the fellows and to other people in the audience.
All interested are welcome to join the presentations, or selected presentations. The seminar is mainly intended as an in-person meeting, but Zoom attandance is also available via:
Please note that the time of each presentation is approximate, and may change if any cancellations occur.
- Søren Rud Keiding: 09:30 - 09:35: Introduction and welcome
- Jaap Timmer: 09:36 - 09:44
Area of research: Cultural change, time, and sovereignty - Laura Nissin: 09:45 - 09:53
Area of research: Ancient history, Classical Archaeology, Classical philology - Zakarias Sjöström Dyrefelt: 09:54 - 10:02
Area of research: Mathematics - Barbara Berger: 10:03 - 10:11
Area of research: Cognitive Neuroscience - Gordon McMullan: 10:12 - 10:20
Area of research: Literary and cultural studies - Elisabeth Le Roux (Associate fellow): 10:21 - 10:29
Area of research: Ecoinformatics and Biodiversity - Coffee break 10:30 - 11:00
- Paul Christesen: 11:00 - 11:08
Area of research: Ancient Greek history - Alexandra Otiman: 11:09 - 11:17
Area of research: Mathematics - Edward Payne (Associate fellow): 11:18 - 11:26
Area of research: Art history, Mediterranean Baroque - Bridget Vincent: 11:27 - 11:35
Area of research: Literature and ethics
- Follow-up and dialogue: 11:36 - 12:00