Aarhus University Seal

Four cross-faculty collaborative theme groups selected

For the next two years, four cross-faculty groups will meet regularly at AIAS to collaborate on an interdisciplinary project. Projects span studies of the ‘Anatomical Theater,’ ‘Bridging Biology and Business,’ ‘Histories, Cultures and Communications of Science’ and ‘Comparative Environments.’

Photo credit: Lars Kruse.

The 'Collaborative Theme Group 3-2-1-Go!' is an initiative by AIAS and the Interdisciplinary taskforce at Aarhus University that aims at bringing researchers together across faculties, departments and centers at Aarhus University to foster novel ideas and research collaborations.

Now the first four '3-2-1-Go! Groups' have been selected to embark on their shared thematic project that has researchers aboard from across at least two faculties and three different departments at Aarhus University.

From August 2024 to August 2026, the following four 3-2-1-Go!' projects will be hosted at AIAS:

The groups will have group office facilities at AIAS available for their meetings and are provided with a website and offered administrative support.

Read more about the four 3-2-1-Go!' collaborative groups here:

See the first call for the ‘3-2-1-Go!’ Collaborative groups here:


Lotte Holm, AIAS deputy director
E-mail: lho@aias.au.dk
Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies, AIAS
Høegh-Guldbergs Gade 6B
DK-8000 Aarhus C