Aarhus University Seal

Histories, Cultures and
Communications of Science

Presentation of the cross-disciplinary project

In an era marked by rapid scientific advancements and technological breakthroughs, the societal impact of science is undeniable. Yet, the public's understanding of science oscillates between awe and apprehension, often simplifying complex scientific narratives into binary perceptions of good versus evil, or mysterious versus enlightening. This simplistic view undermines the nuanced role science plays in shaping our worldviews and societal structures, leaving little room for intellectual reflection or democratic debate.

The HiCCS group seeks to foster a multidisciplinary dialogue that bridges the gap between the scientific disciplines from the natural, technical, and medical sciences to the humanities and social sciences. By examining the historical trajectories, cultural practices, and communicative strategies behind scientific ideas, objects, and settings, we aim to unravel the complexities of science.

Originating from a shared interest in diverse approaches to science studies, our group brings together expertise in aesthetics in science, literature and science, scientific cultural heritage, history of science, and science communication. At AIAS, we will organise reading groups, masterclasses and roundtable discussions on these topics, and we invite everyone with an interest to get in touch.

Members of the group


Christoffer Basse Eriksen
Department of Mathematics - Science Studies,
Faculty of Natural Sciences,
Aarhus University

E-mail: cbe@css.au.dk

Primary convening day


Room: meeting room, 3rd floor, 
building 1630