Aarhus University Seal

Rune Stubager

Professor, Department of Political Science, Aarhus University

During his Carlsberg Monograph Fellowship, Rune Stubager will be working on the project 'Are Classes Dead? Perceptions of Social Class and their Politcal Implications'

Project description

It is often claimed that social class has ceased to have importance for citizens in advanced, western countries – in particular for their political behaviour. The project investigates this claim and finds that classes are alive and well in citizens’ minds and that particularly perceptions about social classes also influence political behaviour, including party choice.

Short bio

Rune Stubager is a Professor at the Department of Political Science at Aarhus University, and currently a Carlsberg Monograph fellow at AIAS. He conducts research into party choice and public opinion - i.e. into why voters have the political attitudes that they do and why they vote for the parties that they do. In particular, he focuses on the importance of social factors such as voters' position in the social structure or perceptions of social groups in society. The main focus of his research is Denmark and since 2011, he has been the co-PI of the Danish National Election Study (see more at https://www.valgprojektet.dk/).

Project title: Are Classes Dead? Perceptions of Social Class and their Political Implications

Area of research: Political Science 

Fellowship period: 1 Mar 2024 - 28 Feb 2025

Fellowship type: Carlsberg Monograph fellow


This fellowship has received funding from The Carlsberg Foundation under the monograph fellowships.