Aarhus University Seal

AIAS Shut Up and Write Sessions


Bring your writing or reading to the AIAS room 112 and enjoy the good karma of your fellow colleagues working silently alone/together. Some prefer to bring headphones because they are distracted by the sound of keyboards, others enjoy the sound of typing and find it motivating. 

Aim: To create a collective forum for your own writing projects, be it papers, applications, books, other manuscripts, code etc. 


We work independently on a shared schedule of 25 minutes writing/reading (in silence) followed by a 5-minute talking/moving break. This time-frame is chosen to follow time management and productivity theory ideas, e.g. the Pomodoro Technique. After a few of these rounds, we may take a longer break. That's it! Some prefer to bring along headphones, others find the sound of typing/writing motivating.

Where and when

The sessions will be held on Mondays in Conference Room 112 in building 1632 at AIAS from 9.15 - 10.45 on the following dates:

  • 9 September
  • 16 September
  • 23 September
  • 30 September
  • 7 October
  • 21 October
  • 28 October
  • 4 November
  • 11 November
  • 18 November - NB. Location change
  • 25 November
  • 2 December
  • 9 December
  • 16 December


Open to all AIAS fellows and associates.


Anna Maria Langmüller, AIAS Fellow

E-mail: annamaria.langmueller@aias.au.dk