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WoMAn in Maths network: PhD in Maths Info Event

Info event on a PhD in Maths.

Info about event


Wednesday 2 March 2022,  at 16:15 - 17:00


Auditorium D3, Maths Department

Have you ever wondered what doing a PhD in maths is actually like? Or do you want to do a PhD in maths, but don’t know how to start applying? Or do you just enjoy studying maths, and would like to know how you can continue? Then we have the perfect event for you!

We would like to invite you all to a PhD Information Session on Wednesday 2nd March at 16:15. There will be three talks, which we hope will give you all the information you need to decide whether a PhD is right for you, and work out your next steps toward applying:

  • Applying for a PhD in Denmark: Andreas Basse-O’Connor (Head of PhD committee at AU).
  • Insider info on PhD’s at AU: Ragnhild Ørbæk Laursen (Current PhD student at AU).
  • Life as a PhD student: Jenny August (Postdoc at AU).

You will also have plenty of opportunity to ask questions, both during the talks and over refreshments at the end.

We would like to stress that, although this event is being organised by Women in Maths Aarhus (WoMAn), ALL students are welcome!

If you have any questions, feel free to send us an email at woman@math.au.dk.

We look forward to seeing you there!



The event will be held in Auditorium D3 at the Maths Department at Aarhus University.

About WoMAn

WoMAn is a network for women working or studying within the field of mathematics at Aarhus University. The network is for both students and researchers - all are welcome. It is supported by the Department of Mathematics at Aarhus University. AIAS Fellow Corina Ciobotaru is one of the initiators of the network.

Jenny August, Corina Ciobotaru, Emma Graham, Ea Toft