Aarhus University Seal

AIAS Breakfast Talk: The Impact of Light on Human Health: What Do We Know?

A discussion of current research projects and activities by the CAT group "Light and Human Health".

Info about event


Friday 1 April 2022,  at 09:15 - 09:45



Light exposure has a fundamental and exquisite impact on human health functioning. Examples include the synchronisation of endogenous circadian rhythms to the light-dark cycle and the short-term effects of light exposure on melatonin production. In this talk, we will discuss current research projects as well as joint activities as part of our Network of European Institutes for Advanced Study Constructive Advanced Thinking group “Light and Human Health”, including our ongoing Delphi study to develop standard guidelines on documenting and reporting light interventions.

Speakers from the https://lightcat.group/:

  • Dr. Laura Kervezee, Leiden University Medical Center
  • Dr. Renske Lok, Stanford University
  • Dr. Elise McGlashan, Monash University
  • Dr. Raymond Najjar, National University of Singapore & Singapore Eye Research Institute
  • Dr. Manuel Spitschan, Technical University of Munich & Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics

Please sign up by sending an email to info@aias.au.dk by 30 March 2022