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The formation of a cross-faculty OMICS focus group at AU and AUH

Researchers at Aarhus University and Aarhus University Hospital have formed an “OMICS Focus group” – a cross-faculty network that connects scientists using “omics” techniques in their research. Two AIAS fellows have initiated the group.

The cross-faculty OMICS focus group will organize bi-monthly meetings with research presentations, workshops on laboratory workflows, data analysis, and data interpretation. In addition, the group envisions to organize (bi) weekly data analysis get-togethers. These initiatives are expected to stimulate collaborative synergies between research groups and integrate the expertise and resources from different faculties to improve the adoption of these powerful techniques in the life sciences and biomedical sciences at Aarhus University and Aarhus University Hospital. Although, at the moment, the group discusses approaches related to transcriptomic, in the future an implementation of other techniques on the agenda (metabolomics and proteomics) is foreseen. 

Next meeting

The next meeting in the OMICS Focus group is on 19 May 2022 from 9-12:00 in the Jeppe Vontillius auditorium (building 1252- room 310).

Sign-up here to join the next meeting: https://events.au.dk/omicfocusgroup/signup


AIAS Fellows: 
Joanna Kalucka, AIAS, and the Dept. of Biomedicine and Christian Damsgaard, AIAS and the Dept. of Biology - Zoophysiology. 


Inflammation Network (https://health.au.dk/en/research/research-networks/the-inflammation-network
Personalised Medicine Network (https://health.au.dk/en/research/research-networks/the-personalised-medicine-network) 


If you have any questions or would like to be part of the network, please send an e-mail to: focus.omics@au.dk