Ten international researchers selected in the AIAS-AUFF Fellowship programme
Ten talented fellows from around the globe have now been selected in the first round of the AIAS-AUFF fellowship programme and given the opportunity to explore innovative research projects in an interdisciplinary and international setting at AIAS.

When the ten new fellows start at AIAS on 1 September, they will bring ten novel research projects to Aarhus that will explore a diversity of topics, as augmented reality in dentistry, interdisciplinary macroalgae management, decolonial aesthetics and cellular identities in the cardiovascular system. The ten fellows arrive from all over the world, from India to Brazil, from Norway to Spain, from ten different research institutions.
“I look forward to welcoming the ten new fellows at AIAS. They have been selected from an amazing group of international scholars after a careful review process. They bring unique competences and transformative ideas to our community. I am glad and honoured that they have chosen to apply for a fellowship with us. I hope that AIAS may provide them with space and time to thoroughly develop their research as well as opportunities for novel interactions with researchers from many disciplines both within AIAS and across the wider Aarhus University campus. I can’t wait to see what may grow from it,” says AIAS Director Andreas Roepstorff.
The AIAS-AUFF fellows will have their daily office at AIAS, where they will work on individual projects for the next two years. In addition, the fellows will work together with collaborators at Aarhus University and become an active part of the AIAS community of talented scholars, benefitting from the interdisciplinary exchanges, the joint research training activities and international and explorative environment of AIAS.
The ten selected researchers commencing on 1 September 2024 are:
- Andrei Kalinichev, Department of Biology – Microbiology, Aarhus University, Denmark
Project at AIAS: ‘Multiparameter Imaging for Soil Health: Advanced Optode-Driven Approach’ - Anna Maria Langmüller, Cornell University & University of Vienna, Messer lab & Hermisson lab
Project at AIAS: ‘How does environmental heterogeneity influence the genomic footprint of adaptation?’ - Bharti Arora, Department of English, University of Delhi, India
Project at AIAS: ‘Decolonial Aesthesis of Social Movements in Select Fiction of Postindependence India’ - Bruna Neves de Freitas, Interdisciplinary Research Group in Digital Dentistry, Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil
Project at AIAS: ‘Augmenting and Expanding the use of Intraoral Scanning in Dentistry’ - Christian Mario Appendini, Engineering Institute, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), Mexico
Project at AIAS: ‘Assembling the Influxes of a Macroalgae: Interdisciplinary Knowledge for Sargassum Hazard Management’ - Elena-Daniela Ana, Leibniz Institute of Agricultural Development in Transition Economies (IAMO), Halle/Saale, Germany
Project at AIAS: ‘Making sense of desertification: farmers’ knowledge and soil politics on drying lands’ - Elisabetta Ferrari, School of Social and Political Sciences, University of Glasgow, UK
Project at AIAS: ‘Don’t abandon each other: mutual aid activism in the (post)pandemic’ - Ester Salgarella, INSCRIBE Project, University of Bologna, Italy
Project at AIAS: ‘Engaging Mind & Materiality: Ideography Through Time’ - Magda Rita Hamczyk, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Department, University of Oviedo, Spain
Project at AIAS: ‘Fluid cellular identities in the cardiovascular system’ - Pierre Louis du Plessis, Department of Culture Studies and Oriental Languages, University of Oslo, Norway
Project at AIAS: ‘Geographies of Beef: Shadow Ecologies of European Green in African Landscapes’
Meet the new fellows – speed-lectures on 4 September
On Wednesday 4 September at 13:00pm, you can meet the 10 new AUFF fellows as well as the 10 new theme groups fellows and Associate fellows from Aarhus University at the ‘Introductory Research Presentations Seminar,’ where they will all give short 4-minute speed-lectures that will introduce their research areas and their projects. The seminar and the time of the speakers will be announced here in August: https://aias.au.dk/events/aias-seminar-series Attendants are welcome to join only for parts of the seminar.
About the AIAS-AUFF Fellowships
The AIAS-AUFF Fellowship programme is supported by Aarhus University Research Foundation (in Danish Aarhus Universitets Forskningsfond (AUFF) hence the name of the scheme) and aim at bringing talented international scholars to Aarhus University to develop new and innovative lines of research and thinking.
See the first call of the AIAS-AUFF Fellowship programme here: https://aias.au.dk/opportunities-at-aias/aias-auff-fellowships
The next call is expected to open in August 2024 with an application deadline in late 2024, and a commencement date of 1 September 2025.
Andreas Roepstorff, AIAS Director
E-mail: andreas.roepstorff@aias.au.dk
Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies, AIAS
Høegh-Guldbergs Gade 6B
DK-8000 Aarhus C