Neuroscientist Richard J. Davidson guests AIAS
Explore the science behind a healthy mind when world-renowned neuroscientist, Professor Richard J. Davidson will visit AIAS on 25 April. Davidson is known for his scientific studies of the brain’s neuroplasticity, and how mental well-being is a practice for everyone to master.

Professor Richard J. Davidson is the founder and director of the Center for Healthy Minds at the University of Wisconsin–Madison, and founder and chief visionary for Healthy Minds Innovations, a non-profit organization which translates science into tools to cultivate and measure well-being.
Davidson’s research is broadly focused on the neural bases of emotion and emotional style and methods to promote human flourishing including meditation and related contemplative practices. He has published over 573 articles, numerous chapters and reviews and edited 14 books. He is the author (with Sharon Begley) of 'The Emotional Life of Your Brain' published in 2012 and co-author with Daniel Goleman of 'Altered Traits' published in 2017.
Well-being is a Skill
On 25 April at 18:00, Professor Richard J. Davidson will give a talk on ‘Well-being is a Skill’ at AIAS, the first talk in the ‘Science & the Flavour of Aarhus’ series, organized by Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies (AIAS) in collaboration with DANDRITE (Danish Research Institute of Translational Neuroscience) at Aarhus University, and with the generous support from the Lundbeck Foundation and the Brain Prize and the non-profit organization ‘Science and Cocktails’.
In his talk, Davidson will guide you through his fascinating brain research on monks, meditation and mindfulness. Davidson will show how well-being can be a skill for everyone to master. The talk will be moderated by AIAS-Dandrite fellow Anna Klawonn, group leader at Dandrite and concludes with time for questions and discussion. The evening will include breaks with tastings from Aarhus-based micro-distillery Njord (also with a non-alcoholic option) and time for networking.
The talk is open to all interested but has a limited number of seats available.
Know more about the talk, about Prof. Richard Davidson and register here:
Andreas Roepstorff, AIAS director
Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies, AIAS
Høegh-Guldbergs Gade 6B
DK-8000 Aarhus C