Aarhus University Seal

Hosted Talk: Guest Lecture by Professor Dan Mroczek, Northwestern University, US

'Personality, Cognitive Resilience, and Mortality Risk: The Roles of Level and Change'

Info about event


Monday 11 September 2023,  at 10:00 - 11:30


AIAS Auditorium

Guest Lecture by Professor Dan Mroczek, Northwestern University, US

Professor Mroczek will be visiting the Department of Psychology, Aarhus University from 6 – 12 September. We cordially invite you to attend this lecture as Prof. Mroczek delves into the intricate interplay between personality, cognitive resilience, and mortality risk.

Join this talk for an engaging discourse that is sure to broaden your horizons in the realm of personality psychology. The lecture will take place in the auditorium of the multidisciplinary Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies, and we look forward to your participation. No registration is required.

About Professor Dan Mroczek

Professor Mroczek is a distinguished researcher from Northwestern University whose work delves into the realms of personality development across the lifespan. His areas of expertise encompass a wide range of subjects, including the exploration of personality change, stability, and trajectory models of pivotal traits. Moreover, he investigates the profound impact of personality, and the alterations it undergoes, on various critical life facets, such as physical health, mortality, and overall well-being.


AIAS Associate Fellow Ali Amidi, Dept. of Psychology, Aarhus University & Professor Bobby Zachariae, Unit for Psychooncology & Health Psychology (EPoS), Dept. of Oncology, Aarhus University Hospital.