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Hannah Arendt, Liberalism, and Freedom from Politics

Essay on Hannah Arendt by AIAS Fellow Kei Hiruta highlighted as one of 2019’s top downloaded chapters & articles in Philosophy by SpringerNature.

Book cover
Image: Palgrave Macmillan

AIAS Fellow Kei Hiruta’s edited book volume Arendt on Freedom, Liberation, and Revolution, (Palgrave Macmillan, 2019) has been highlighted as one of the top books of 2019, and the essay included in this volume entitled ‘Hannah Arendt, Liberalism, and Freedom from Politics’, also by Hiruta, has been highlighted as one of the highly downloaded articles & chapters of the year in Philosophy by SpringerNature.

In his essay, Kei Hiruta critically examines Hannah Arendt’s critique of liberalism, focusing on her well known claim that liberals have conceptualised freedom first and foremost as ‘freedom from politics’. Is this an accurate understanding of liberal theories of freedom? If it is not, why does Arendt misconstrue liberal freedom as she does? And does her limited understanding of liberalism undermine her defense of political freedom? In addressing these questions, the essay considers what is alive in Arendt’s critique of liberalism over a half-century later.

Hiruta’s essay is free to access until 15 March 2020 via: 




Dr Kei Hiruta, Assistant Professor, AIAS-COFUND Fellow

Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies, AIAS
Høegh-Guldbergs Gade 6B 
DK-8000 Aarhus C