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ERC FRONTIERS Science journalist residency stay at AIAS

Are you a science journalist who wishes to work closely with a frontier research environment with researchers from diverse disciplines? AIAS is a host institution of the ERC funded Science journalism program FRONTIERS, offering journalists funded residency stays from 3 to 5 months.

The FRONTIERS Science Journalism Residency Program, funded by the European Research Council (ERC).

A vision of the ERC funded FRONTIERS program for science journalists is to help bridge the gap between complex scientific discoveries and public understanding. This necessitates a close collaboration between scientists and journalists who with their own individual expertise can contribute to bringing accurate scientific information to the largest number of people. To enable this collaboration, the FRONTIERS program supports science journalists with a residency stay from 3 to 5 month at a research institution.

The Aarhus Institute of Advanced Study (AIAS) at Aarhus University is a host institution in the FRONTIERS program to help promote curiosity about frontier research and to strengthen the mutual and beneficial learning between scientists and journalists.  

AIAS as a host institution

In the first round of the ERC FRONTIERS fellowship call, AIAS has hosted science journalist Samuel Schlaefli from Switzerland from 1 September 2024 to 31 January 2025. During his fellowship, Schlaefli has worked on a multimedia project on the potential of agroecology for more sustainable food systems. Moreover, Schlaefli has contributed actively to the AIAS research community by giving seminars, organizing a workshop, joining field excursions and much more. 

Now, a third call is open for applications in the ERC FRONTIERS program for science journalists, with AIAS as a host institution also in this call.

  • DEADLINE for applications: 6 May 2025 at 17.00 (CEST)

Cutting-edge research and a diversity of research fields

AIAS hosts scientists, "fellows", who all deal with novel scientific questions and frontier research in individual cutting-edge research projects. Fellows at AIAS come from all over the world and from a diversity of research fields, from neuroscience to digital activism, chemistry, evolutionary biology, behavioural economics, anthropology, public health and much more.

A number of fellows also work as theme-based group fellows, working on individual projects within a shared theme. Currently, five fellows work within ‘Democracy and Digital Citizenship,’ five within ’Labour market transformations and Inequality’ until July 2025. From September 2025, five theme-based group fellows will work within the theme of 'Science Diplomacy'.

All fellows at AIAS are gathered in one house to help foster collaboration, network and research inspiration and exchanges across disciplines and methods, seniority and borders.

Joint effort to tackle mis- and disinformation

Journalists play a crucial role in communicating high-risk/high-reward frontier research responsibly and accurately. By bringing together journalists and scientists to work closely together under one roof, AIAS wishes as a host institution in the FRONTIERS science journalism program to contribute to increasing the public’s trust in science, to help tackling misinformation and improving social resilience against disinformation.

How to apply

Please get in contact with AIAS deputy director Lotte Holm for a talk and a hosting letter if you are interested in a science journalism stay at AIAS.

For details about the FRONTIERS residency program, the guidelines of the open call and how to apply, please refer to:


Lotte Holm, Head of Secretariat, deputy director
E-mail: lho@aias.au.dk
Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies, AIAS
Høegh-Guldbergs Gade 6B
DK-8000 Aarhus C