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ERC Consolidator Grant to statistical geneticist Doug Speed

AIAS Former Fellow Doug Speed is awarded an ERC Consolidator Grant to develop novel statistical tools for classifying heterogeneous diseases based on genetic information. The new tools will potentially lead to a more widespread use of personalized medicine.

Photo: ERC grantee Doug Speed. Credit: Aarhus University Photo & ERC logo.

Professor Doug Speed from the Center for Quantitative Genetics and Genomics at Aarhus University, and AIAS Fellow from 2017-2020 has been awarded an ERC Consolidator Grant of DKK 15 million (€ 2 M) by the European Research Council (ERC) for his project entitled ‘ClassifyDiseases - Develop tools that use genetic data to better classify complex human diseases.' 

The aim of Doug Speed’s ERC project is to develop novel statistical tools for classifying heterogeneous diseases based on genetic information, with focus on epilepsy and schizophrenia. Furthermore, the ERC project group has as its goal to ensure that the new tools are general, freely available and easy-to-use, so that other groups can construct classification models for many other diseases.

The project has the potential to revolutionize how patients with heterogeneous diseases are treated, and to facilitate more widespread use of precision medicine.

More about the ERC-funded project ‘ClassifyDiseases - Develop tools that use genetic data to better classify complex human diseases’



Doug Speed, Professor, AIAS Fellow 2017-2020
Email: doug@qgg.au.dk

Center for Quantitative Genetics and Genomics,
Aarhus University