Workshop: Counter-Mapping University Surveillance

Info about event
AIAS, building 1630 room 301
Universities are often seen as progressive institutions that support values of democracy, inclusion, and the production of knowledge for the social good. In this workshop, we will begin with a presentation about counter-mapping through the work of the Counter-Cartographies Collective (3Cs). 3Cs offer examples of how to map knowledge economies and university-based struggles that challenge dominant assumptions about the work universities do in the world.
Participants will then drift through spaces of Aarhus University in small groups, guided by prompts related to surveillance, belonging, securitization, and datafication. Finally, we will regroup to share our findings and experiences, and in doing so, think together about the openings counter-mapping might provide to interrogate university power structures from below.
Nathan Swanson is a Clinical Assistant Professor and Director of Study Away in the John Martinson Honors College at Purdue University. A political and cultural geographer, his research and teaching span feminist geopolitics, migration studies, critical cartography, and intercultural learning.
Lindsay Weinberg is a Clinical Assistant Professor and Director of the Tech Justice Lab in the John Martinson Honors College, as well as an AIAS-SHAPE Fellow at Aarhus University. Her research and teaching are at the intersection of science and technology studies, feminist studies, and media studies, with a focus on the social and ethical impacts of digital technology.
Everyone interested is welcome to join, but registration is required.
Link to registration:
Organizer and contact
Lindsay Weinberg, AIAS-SHAPE fellow, Clinical assistant professor at Purdue University, and Director of the Tech Justice Lab