Aarhus University Seal

AIAS Yoga Group

Yoga for AIAS Fellows and Staff

Info about event


Friday 12 April 2024,  at 14:00 - 15:15


AIAS, building 1630 - room 313

AIAS fellows and staff are invited to the AIAS yoga group, which will meet on Fridays in the table tennis room on the 3rd floor, room 313. All abilities are welcome. The focus is on the physical: we will work from an online class, but advice also available from experienced practitioners in the group.

The time of the Yoga Groups may change so check the AIAS web events pages for any changes.

Just turn up if you’re interested, or email Associate Fellow Alan O’Leary for more information.


Associate Fellow Alan O’Leary,
E-mail: aoleary@cc.au.dk