AIAS Workshop: Collaborative theme groups
A joint workshop for the cross-faculty 3-2-1-Go! Groups at AIAS.
Info about event
AIAS, building 1630, room 301
This joint workshop is for all members of the four 3-2-1-Go! Collaborative Theme Groups at AIAS. The 3-2-1-Go! Collaborative theme groups bring together Aarhus University researchers from at least three departments, spanning at least two faculties, united by one overarching theme.
The purpose of the workshop is to:
- Introduce the four themes and groups for each other
- Identify potential overlaps and interests
- Engage in a joint discussion and share ideas for developing cross-disciplinary projects and collaborations.
AIAS Director Andreas Roepstorff will facilitate the workshop.
09.00 - 09.30: Breakfast in the AIAS Hall
09.30 - 09.45: Welcome and introduction to interdisciplinary collaborations by Andreas Roepstorff
09.30 - 10.30: 15-minute Presentation by each group
- Bridging Biology and Business
- Comparative Environments
- Anatomical Theater
- Histories, Cultures and Communications of Science
10.30 - 11.45: Joint Q&A and identifications of overlaps and interests
11.45 - 12.00: Wrap-up and potential next steps
12.00 - 12.30: Joint lunch for all 3-2-1-Go! members
To attend the workshop, please contact Lotte Holm, AIAS deputy director