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AIAS Research Seminar: Racism and Anti-racism Discussion Group

Info about event


Wednesday 10 February 2021,  at 14:00 - 15:30



In collaboration with the Research Unit for the History of Political and Economic Ideas at AU, AIAS is hosting a series of research seminars on racism and anti-racism in the Spring Semester 2021. The seminars are co-convened by Stefan Bargheer and Kei Hiruta from AIAS, and Casper Andersen and Mikkel Thorup from the Department of Philosophy and the History of Ideas at Aarhus University.

We will discuss the following texts at this week’s meeting: Frantz Fanon, Black Skin, White Masks, trans. Charles Lam Markmann, Chapter 5; and Charles W. Mills (2015) Decolonizing Western Political Philosophy, New Political Science, 37:1, 1-24.

The seminars are open to all AU members. If you would like to participate, please contact Kei Hiruta: kei.hiruta@aias.au.dk  

Next seminars are:

3 March

24 March  

14 April  

5 May  

26 May  

16 June