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AIAS Fellows' Seminar: Luís Viegas, AIAS Fellow

Computational Green Chemistry: strategies pursuing a cleaner atmosphere

Info about event


Monday 2 October 2017,  at 14:15 - 16:15


The AIAS Auditorium, Building 1632, Høegh-Guldbergs Gade 6B, 8000 Aarhus C


For many years chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) were used in a multitude of applications, but the serious adverse environmental impact of their release into the atmosphere has led to an international effort to replace them with acceptable alternatives. Development of environmentally friendly replacements for CFCs remains a huge and urgent task, reinforced by the recent Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol. This presentation will provide a detailed insight behind the computational strategies and challenges involved in designing greener CFC replacements.

Short bio

Luís Viegas is a computational chemist with his research focusing on atmospheric chemistry. He obtained his PhD from the University of Coimbra in 2008, studying potential energy surfaces and vibrational spectroscopy of triatomic molecules. He continued his research career with a postdoctoral project dedicated to understanding the role of water molecules in the natural cycle of ozone depletion. At AIAS, his calculations will look at unveiling fundamental aspects of the unestablished atmospheric chemistry of recent CFC substitutes, seeking the improvement of these compounds in the framework of green chemistry principles.

Luís Viegas' project at AIAS

What is a Fellows' Seminar?

The AIAS Fellows' Seminar is a session of seminars held by the AIAS fellow or by other speakers proposed by the fellows. In each seminar, one fellow will present and discuss his/her current research and research project, closing off with a question and discussion session.

All seminars are held in English and open to the public. Registration to the seminar is not necessary.  Read more about the AIAS Fellows' Seminar here.