AIAS Fellow Paul W. Denton on World AIDS Day
Gain insights into some of the latest research in the search for an HIV cure by watching this engaging lecture.

Paul W. Denton gave the lecture 'Search for a Cure. Characterizing and Targeting Persistent HIV Reservoirs in Patients' at the AIAS Fellows' Seminar at Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies on 30 November and at Aarhus University Hospital (Department of Infectious Diseases), Denmark, in relation to World AIDS Day on 1 December 2015.
AIAS fellow Paul W. Denton draws in his audience through his skillful use of familiar analogies as he describes the impact of HIV globally and within infected individuals. He discusses the origins of HIV and its transition into the human population. The focus of the lecture then shifts as he explains the cellular epigenetics which contribute to HIV’s ability to escape destruction during standard therapy. Next is a description of prominent HIV cure strategies which is followed by a discussion of recent and ongoing trials where he is a co-investigator in the clinical evaluation of HIV cure approaches at Aarhus University Hospital.
AIAS Fellow Paul W. Denton
Phone: +45 87153773
Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies (AIAS)
Høegh-Guldbergs Gade 6B
8000 Aarhus C