AIAS Director appointed member of the Danish Council for Research and Innovation Policy, DFiR
AIAS Director Søren Rud Keiding is reappointed as a member of the Danish Council for Research and Innovation Policy, a council under the Danish Ministry for Higher Education and Science.

AIAS Director Søren Rud Keiding was first appointed a member of the council in April 2017, and this week he has been reappointed for the council for yet another three-year period. The council comprises a chairperson and eight members, who are all appointed in their personal capacities by the Minister of Higher Education and Science. The main objective of the council is to further the development of Danish research, technology and innovation to the benefit of society.
“Mankind is at the moment painfully aware of the major challenges we are facing. I think science can and will help us solve these challenges, and I think that DFiR will play an increasingly important role in facilitating this. I am honored to be reappointed to DFiR and look forward to contribute,” says Søren Rud Keiding about his appointment.
About the Danish Council for Research and Innovation Policy
The Danish Council for Research and Innovation Policy (in Danish DFiR) is a council under the Danish Ministry of Higher Education and Science and provides the Minister of Higher Education and Science and others with independent and expert advice on research, technological development and innovation at system level.
As of 1 April 2020, the new council is composed of:
- Professor Frede Blaabjerg, Aalborg University (chairperson)
- Professor, Center director Jes Broeng, Technical University of Denmark
- Professor, Center director Mette Birkedal Bruun, University of Copenhagen
- Professor MSO Kristine Niss, Roskilde University
- Head of Research & Development Christina Aabo, Ørsted
- Head of Department Anna Haldrup, University of Copenhagen (reappointed)
- Professor, Director Søren Rud Keiding, AIAS, Aarhus University (reappointed)
- Professor, Head of Research and Development Søren Beck, B&O and Aalborg University (reappointed)
- Professor, Head of Talent Programmes Thomas Sinkjær, Lundbeck Foundation (reappointed)
Press release from the Danish Ministry of Higher Education and Science (in Danish only)
Søren Rud Keiding, AIAS Director, Professor
Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies, AIAS
Høegh-Guldbergs Gade 6B
DK-8000 Aarhus C