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AIAS at the Festival of Research 2021

Info about event


Wednesday 28 April 2021,  at 14:00 - 18:00




On Wednesday 28 April it is time for the annual Festival of Research. This year it is held online, and AIAS Fellows Iza Romanowska and Helen Van Noorden contribute each with an online 30-minute speed-lecture at 2.00pm and 4.00pm respectively:

14.00: Archaeology to the rescue! What can we learn from the past?

Dusty file cabinets, mysterious artefacts stashed in museums' cellars, whips and snakes in a jungle, pyramids and Vikings. Archaeology is the coolest discipline of science! The past is like uncharted territory where with each new discovery, we are piecing together the stories of our distant ancestors. These stories are relevant to the world around us. They show how human groups dealt with challenges. Climate change, social unrest, economic crises, pandemics – we've been there before so we can learn a lot from our ancestors' strategies and their successes and failures.

Speaker: Iza Romanowska, Postdoc, AIAS-COFUND Fellow, Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies

Research field: Archaeology
Zoom link via: https://international.au.dk/about/visitors/festivalofresearch/programme/ 


16.00: A roller coaster ride into the future: how to read the ancient Sibylline Oracles

The Sibylline Oracles are Greek verse prophecies about the course of world history, composed and edited over several centuries before being taken up by early Christian writers. This talk tests three ways of understanding this intriguing collection and suggests how literary scholars can use it today.

Speaker: Helen Van Noorden, Associate Professor, AIAS-COFUND Fellow, Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies
Research field: Classics and theology
Zoom link via: https://international.au.dk/about/visitors/festivalofresearch/programme/ 

Find the full programme of the Festival of Research 2021 with all talks and shows in both Danish and English here:
