AIAS at Folkemødet 2024
AIAS is hosting a debate on AI and democracy at Folkemødet 2024, an annual democracy festival in Denmark.
This year AIAS is hosting a interdisciplinary panel debate on AI and democracy, 'Democratic AI!' at Folkemødet, an annual democracy festival held at the Danish island of Bornholm.
On the deck of Aarhus University's research ship Aurora in Allinge habour Saturday 15 June at 3:30pm, AIAS will put artificial intelligence and democracy on the agenda with a cross-disciplinary discussion on how artificial intelligence (AI) affects freedom of expression, accountability and transparency, and how we can bring these concepts into play in the defense of the democratic conversation.
The three panelists are all current or former AIAS fellows, and all three are part of Aarhus University's research center SHAPE - Shaping Digital Citizenship that studies, across disciplines, how digitization affects citizenships and our democracy.
- Anja Bechmann, Professor, School of Communication and Culture, Media Studies, Aarhus University
- Lene Aarøe, Professor, Department of Political Science and AIAS-SHAPE Fellow, Aarhus University
- Peter Dalsgaard, Professor, Department of Digital Design and Information Studies, Aarhus University
- Andreas Roepstorff, Professor and Director of AIAS
The debate is held in Danish.
Demokratisk AI! Transparens, ansvarlighed og ytringsfrihed
Digitale platforme og sociale medier skaber nye muligheder for deltagelse i den demokratiske samtale. Men med AI-baserede platformsalgoritmer, chatbots og services, der kan skabe personaliserede feeds optimeret for profit og overbevisende indhold, er der åbnet for Pandoras æske. Det er nemmere end nogensinde at manipulere med skræddersyet kommunikation og skabe misinformation med fx deepfakes. Det gør det svært at vide, hvem der ser hvad, hvad der er sandt eller falsk, og om vi taler med mennesker eller chatbots, der gemmer sig bag falske profiler. Omvendt kan denne type teknologi også gøre det muligt at overskue og se sammenhænge i nyhedsstrømme og debatter og hjælpe engagerede individer til at forstå og bidrage til den demokratiske samtale. I debatten vil vi kick-starte en samtale om, hvordan AI påvirker ytringsfrihed, ansvarlighed og transparens, og hvordan vi kan bringe disse begreber i spil i forsvaret for den demokratiske samtale.
Read more about the panel debate at the Folkemødet 2024 (in Danish)
The debate is open to all interested.
About ’Folkemødet’
Folkemødet is an annual democracy festival that seeks to diminish distance and enhance trust between citizens and decision-makers. At ‘Folkemødet’ citizens, decision-makers, universities and hundreds of organizations gather for three days on the Danish island of Bornholm to participate in democratic debates about our joint society to strengthen the Danish democracy.
Andreas Roepstorff, AIAS Director
Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies, AIAS
Høegh-Guldbergs Gade 6B
DK-8000 Aarhus C