A year of FEAR at AIAS in 2017
Yesterday, AIAS kicked-off the UBIAS Fear 2017 Topic of the Year with the Friday talk ‘FEAR and the Dionysiac’.

This event, ‘FEAR and the Dionysiac’, was part of the 'FEAR' 2017 Topic of the Year for UBIAS. UBIAS is a global network for University-based Institutes for Advanced Study, at present encompassing 37 institutes with AIAS as one of the member institutes. Currently, AIAS holds the position as the coordinating institute of the global network, and with AIAS Director Morten Kyndrup as Chair of the UBIAS Steering Commitee.
The talk Friday was given by AIAS Fellows Isabelle Torrance (Classics) and Jessica Wiskus (Music and Philosophy) and started a series of FEAR events to be held in 2017. The academic lecture encompassed both music, theatre, poetry reading and a Dionysiac engagement of the audience.
Besides this event, AIAS fellows and collaborators have been organizing two upcoming events to address the topic of FEAR in various formats and perspectives through out the whole year of 2017, and more events are coming up. See here:
- AIAS Panel debate: FEAR in a Post-Factual World, 15 May 2017, 14:15-16:30
http://aias.au.dk/events/show/artikel/aias-event-fear-in-a-post-factual-world/ - AIAS Conference: FEAR: Brain, Behaviour, Society, 4-5 December 2017
All FEAR events are open to all: academics, students and the general public and are free of charge.