Zoophysiology Seminar at AIAS: 'Mother or Murderer?'
Speaker: Michael Toft Overgaard, Department of Chemistry and Bioscience, Aalborg University

Info about event
AIAS, building 1632, room 201

In 2023, an Australian mother was released and acquitted after serving 20 years in prison, convicted by a jury of murdering her 4 young children over a 10-year period. She was convicted based on circumstantial evidence alone, without any physical evidence. She has always maintained that she is innocent. Here, I will shed light on how our research at Aalborg University on the Ca2+-binding protein calmodulinand our involvement in an Australian legal inquiry played a central role in the process leading to her acquittal.
The event is free and open to all. No registration needed.
Contacts and organizers
Christian Damsgaard, Department of Biology, cd@bio.au.dk
Angela Fago, Department of Biology, angela.fago@bio.au.dk