Aarhus University Seal

AIAS Workshop: Reconnecting science and society through journalism

Informal workshop in extension of the AIAS Seminar 'Beyond the headlines: Reconnecting science and society through journalism.'

Image from the ONE Health multimedia feature by science journalist Samuel Schlaefli, ERC FRONTIERS Fellow at AIAS.

Info about event


Monday 2 December 2024,  at 13:00 - 14:00


AIAS, building 1630, room 301 (third floor)

This afternoon workshop on science journalism is a topical continuation of the AIAS Seminar 'Beyond the headlines: Reconnecting science and society through journalism' with science journalist Samuel Schlaefli, ERC FRONTIERS Fellow at AIAS. We encourage participants to attend both the seminar and this afternoon workshop.

Join this informal workshop to hear about constructive journalism, why this approach is important for science journalism and science in general. Take actively part in the round table and share your experiences as a researcher or journalist to discuss the potential and challenges of science communication in asking the question: 'How to communicate (your) science in a constructive way?'

  • 13.00 - 13.15: 'The potential of constructive (science) journalism to engage audiences and combat news fatigue' - presentation by Peter Damgaard, Constructive Institute
  • 13.15 - 14.00: Round table: How to communicate (your) science in a constructive way

During the workshop, AIAS fellows will share some of their experiences of interacting with the media and journalists. 


This informal workshop is open to all and free of charge. To attend, please sign up by Friday 29 November at 12:00 (noon) here.


Kamilla Rosenberg Franck
E-mail: kamilla@aias.au.dk