Aarhus University Seal

AIAS Workshop: organised by Annette Bohn

Title: A Psychological view on Life Stories and Memoirs.

Info about event


Wednesday 6 November 2013,  at 10:15 - 12:45


AIAS, Building 1632, room 203, Høegh-Guldbergs Gade 6B, 8000 Aarhus C





Palle Nørgaard, Aesthetics and Communication, Spanish, Aarhus University:
'Negotiating authority and the collective side of autobiographical memory and identity: a case of autofiction'.

Terry Gottfried, Psychology, Lawrence University Wisconsin, USA:
'Picturing one's life: Characteristics of autobiographical memory in Bechdel’s graphic memoir Fun Home'.

Annette Bohn, AIAS and CON AMORE (Center on Autobiographical Research):
'How life stories change: A longitudinal study of life story development from late childhood to adolescence'.

Lunch app. 11:45.

For more information and free registration, please contact:

Fellow Annette Bohn: anetboh@aias.au.dk.

Registration deadline: Monday 4 November at noon.