AIAS Seminar: Yanxia Zhang, AIAS Fellow
Phthalate risks from food: Phthalate exposure risks from global food trade
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Speaker: Yanxia Zhang, AIAS Fellow
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The use of plastic films in agricultural systems outside Europe has increased phthalate contamination in food, such as Vegetables grown in Plastic Greenhouses (VPGs) in China. Food are not subject to REACH regulations, thereby posing a risk of adverse health effects from global food. Thus, methods of environmental input-output models, exposure scenario modelling, biomonitoring, and phthalate dose-response curves of diabetes were used to quantify phthalate health impacts associated with food traded between the EU and China.
Short bio
Dr. Yanxia Zhang has an inter-disciplinary background of environmental exposure and socioeconomics. Her main research focuses on environment pollutants transportation, transformation, exposure and human health risks. Dr Zhang got her PhD from the School of the Environment at Nanjing University, China, in 2015, and finished her Postdoc at the Institute of Soil Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2019. She started work in Nanjing Normal University, China, in 2020.
See Yanxia Zhang's project at AIAS
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The AIAS Seminar is a session of seminars held by the AIAS fellow or by other speakers proposed by the fellows. In each seminar, one fellow will present and discuss his/her current research and research project, closing off with a question and discussion session.
All seminars are held in English.