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AIAS Seminar: 'Ideas in the Making'

Speaker: Peter Dalsgaard, Carlsberg Monograph fellow at AIAS & Digital Design, Aarhus University

Credit: Dall-E 3.0

Info about event


Monday 9 September 2024,  at 11:00 - 12:00


AIAS, building 1630, room 301, 3 floor

Peter Dalsgaard. Credit: Kristoffer Juel Poulsen


Until now, ideas have predominantly been conceptualised as mental phenomena. However, practice-based studies into creative work demonstrate that ideas rarely spring fully formed from the minds of creative practitioners. Rather, they often emerge from and are shaped by creative practitioners' interaction with tools throughout creative processes. In Ideas in the Making, I will draw on real-life case studies of how idea emerge and evolve in professional creative work and analyse them on the basis of recent advances in the fields of creativity, design and distributed cognition research. Through this, the project will offer a novel perspective that critically extends our understanding of ideas specifically and human creativity more broadly.

Short bio

Peter Dalsgaard is Professor of Interaction Design and Director of the Centre for Digital Creativity at Aarhus University. He explores digital technologies from a human-centered perspective with a focus on how humans use technology to think and create in new ways. His research combines studies of real-life use of digital systems in creative processes, experiments with prototypes of new digital technologies, and development of theories to understand the role and nature of digital tools in creative processes.

What is an AIAS Seminar?

The AIAS Seminar Series is a session of seminars held by the AIAS fellows, AIAS Visiting or Tandem Fellows or by other speakers proposed by the fellows. In each seminar, a fellow will present and discuss her/his current research and work-in-progress to an interdisciplinary audience for 30 minutes, closing off with 30 minutes for questions, comments and discussion.

All seminars are in-person and held in English. To attend online, please contact Sofia Bentsen at sofia@aias.au.dk by 9:00am on the day of the semimar as the latest to request a link.