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AIAS Seminar: Haftom Bayray, AIAS Fellow & Abreha Megos, Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU)

Understanding risk attitude, trust, and cooperation behavior of smallholder farmers in Africa

Info about event


Monday 8 April 2024,  at 11:00 - 12:00


AIAS, Building 1630 room 301

Haftom Bayray, AIAS Fellow and Assistant Professor at the Department of Economics, Mekelle University in Ethiopia and Abreha Megos, Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU).

The seminar is held in-person, but online attendance is possible via: https://aarhusuniversity.zoom.us/j/67482436575


Understanding farmers’ risk preference, trust, and cooperation behavior in developing countries have both research and policy relevance. For instance, the uptake of agricultural innovation is partly explained by these behavioral factors. Haftom and Abrah have been working on these and related issues co-authored with researchers from the EU funded FoodLand project.

Haftom will tell us stories using data from lab-in-the-field experiments. Why farmers are more prone to inconsistent decision making in risk attitude elicitations games, what are the causes and possible remedies, as well as methodological concerns with risk elicitations.

Abrha will present the findings of his field experimental study about the effects of private returns and private information on cooperative behavior among smallholder farmers. He will also tell us about trust dynamics in the context of investment decision making among peri-urban farmers.

Short Bio

Haftom Bayray is AIAS Postdoctoral Fellow and Assistant Professor at the Department of Economics, Mekelle University in Ethiopia.

Haftom is an empirical development economist. His research focuses on development, behavioral, and experimental economics.  In his research, he examines the behavioral aspects influencing farmers’ decision-making decision making, investigate whether certain intervention mechanisms can affect these behavioral factors, and assess the impacts of intervention programs and policies in developing countries using micro level data.

Abreha Megos is a Postdoctoral fellow at Bioeconomic Modelling at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences. His research works span a wide spectrum of environmental and development economics, notably employing behavioral experiments, environmental valuations, and machine learning tools for causal inferences to advance our understanding of the intricate relationships between economic forces and environmental sustainability.  

What is an AIAS Seminar?

The AIAS Seminar is a session of seminars held by the AIAS fellows, AIAS Visiting or Tandem Fellows or by other speakers proposed by the fellows. In each seminar, a fellow will present and discuss her/his current research and work-in-progress for 30 minutes, closing off with 30 minutes for questions, comments and discussion.

All seminars are held in English.