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AIAS Seminar: Fabrício de Araújo Moreira, AIAS Visiting Fellow, and Samia Joca, AIAS Former Fellow

Cannabis: the good, the bad and the truth

Credit: Colourbox.

Info about event


Monday 10 June 2024,  at 11:00 - 12:00


AIAS, Building 1630 room 301

Fabrício de Araújo Moreira, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, AIAS Visiting Fellow og Samia Joca, AIAS Former Fellow, Department of Biomedicine, Aarhus University.

The seminar is held in-person, but online attendance is possible via: https://aarhusuniversity.zoom.us/j/67482436575


Have you ever thought about the difference between a drug of abuse and a medicine? For example, opioid drugs, such as heroin, are among the most abused substances. Yet, opioids have major therapeutic applications in the treatment of certain types of pain. The same goes for Cannabis sativa, colloquially known as marijuana or pot: it has been used for centuries as a drug of abuse. However, more recently, researchers have unleashed an enormous therapeutic potential from cannabis-derived substances.

In this seminar, Fabrício Moreira and Samia Joca will discuss the concept of “drug”, from the standpoints of Pharmacology and Neuroscience, and how cannabis, notwithstanding its abuse properties, can be exploited as a source of new medicines. This seminar will also consider how interdisciplinary research may contribute to properly inform the public and health professionals on the risk and benefits of cannabis and related drugs.

Short Bio

Samia Joca is a tenured Associate Professor and co-chair of the Neuroscience Theme at the Department of Biomedicine at Aarhus University (Denmark). From 2018 to 2020, she was enrolled as senior fellow at AIAS. Her research is focused in understanding the mechanism of action of drugs used to treat psychiatric conditions and the neurobiology of stress-related mental

Fabrício Moreira is a tenured Associate Professor of Pharmacology at the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), Brazil, since 2008. His researches is focused on the pharmacological aspects of cannabinoids as drugs of abuse and as potential sources of new medicines.

What is an AIAS Seminar?

The AIAS Seminar is a session of seminars held by the AIAS fellows, AIAS Visiting or Tandem Fellows or by other speakers proposed by the fellows. In each seminar, a fellow will present and discuss her/his current research and work-in-progress for 30 minutes, closing off with 30 minutes for questions, comments and discussion.

All seminars are held in English.