AIAS Seminar: ‘Chat Democracy: AI, Democratic Talk, and a New Shared Language'
Speaker: Jan Løhmann Stephensen, AIAS-SHAPE Fellow & Aesthetics & Culture, and Museology, Aarhus University

Info about event
AIAS, building 1630, room 301, 3 floor

In democracy, language is essential. With the ongoing integration of Large Language Model-based tech like ChatGPT into digital platforms, AI will soon be integral to the processes of cultural meaning-making, civic deliberation, and community-building in the democratic public sphere. What kinds of publics and communities will emerge when discussions on political issues become entangled with and assisted by AI-driven ‘info-discursive deliberative auxiliaries’? Who gets to talk? In whose language? What kind of citizens will, and could, we become?
Short Bio
Jan Løhmann Stephensen, Phd, Associate Professor in Aesthetics & Culture at Aarhus University. Questions such as What could participation also look like? and Who, or what, matters as proper participants in political democratic and/or cultural creative processes? have been central to his research and publications. In addition, from perspectives of political economy and sociology of both work and art/culture, he has focused on the increased ‘creativization’ of our (working) lives, in later years with a special interest in the interplay between human actors on the one hand; and on the other: artificial intelligence and related computational technologies of automation.
What is an AIAS Seminar?
The AIAS Seminar Series is a session of seminars held by the AIAS fellows, AIAS Visiting or Tandem Fellows or by other speakers proposed by the fellows. In each seminar, a fellow will present and discuss her/his current research and work-in-progress to an interdisciplinary audience for 30 minutes, closing off with 30 minutes for questions, comments and discussion.
All seminars are in-person and held in English. To attend online, please contact Sofia Bentsen at by 9:00am on the day of the semimar as the latest to request a link.